Chapter 7: Patton

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I grasped it in my hands and bit my lips. I finally had it, after all the difficulty I went through. I raised it to my mouth and screeched as it was slapped from my hands. " Patton, no!" I groaned and turned to face the spoiler of good times.

" I just want a little punch, Logan! I swear I can handle it!" The other teenager had arrived shortly after Roman had dragged Virgil off somewhere. " You're just being dramatic."

" I'm not being dramatic, that it spiked!" Logan growled in frustration. I was sure he was getting bored of taking care of me. I didn't want him to leave me all alone! I waved my hand dismissively at him.

" Silly, Logan! You can't spike punch! We aren't even playing volleyball! It would make no sense," I giggled as he growled. It was a badly made joke on my end, but I'd be ruining the joke to outwardly admit it.

     I was surprised to see Roman run up to us and pull Logan away. They discussed something between themselves. Roman seemed frantic, and it bothered me. I didn't see Virgil anywhere. If he were with Roman, he was probably fine. . . But I naturally worried.

     I seized my chance to head towards the punch while Logan was occupied. I'd had punch at my cousin's 5th birthday party and I think I liked it! So why not have some now? I stole a glance over my shoulder and saw Roman running back upstairs. I locked eyes with Logan and he gave me a look saying, ' Don't you do it!'

So, naturally, I turned and sprinted towards the punch. I thought I heard him curse and start following me. I picked up the pace and scooped up a cup of punch. Logan's body was looming over me as I touched the cup to my lip and downed the whole drink before he could reach the it. The empty cup was thrown from my hand with a casual, " Yeet."

" Hah! I got it! And you said it was bad–!" I was hit with the burning aftertaste of alcohol. I stumbled with a bit of dizziness and my vision blurred despite my glasses. I wobbled around to face about three to seven Logan's and attempted to lean my head on one of his chests.

He stopped my spinning world by putting a hand on my head. I couldn't feel the effect of the alcohol anymore. I looked up at him over my glasses. I could see him clearly. Though he seemed unaffected, I was baffled at my sudden soberness. Was soberness a word? I don't even know.

     I reached up and put my hand on his hand, which was still resting on top of my head. I had no idea what was happening, but it messed with every thought in my head. " Logan. . ." I stared at him, taking in every detail of his face.

     " You. . ." I reached out and put my hand on his cheek. I was surprised when he didn't jerk away from my touch. ". . . have something in your teeth."

    He sighed and pushed my hand away. He seemed a bit disappointed by my words. " I don't have time for your games, Patton."

     I pouted and leaned my head on his chest. " You're no fun sometimes. It was just a joke." I plucked the glasses off of his face and put them on over top of my own glasses. " Wow, we have the same prescription! What're the chances!" I giggled.

     He huffed and snatched his eyewear back. " You're loopy, Patton. Let's go sit down and rest." He held my hand and led me through the thick crowd of people, but I was focused only on him. I didn't understand this. Why was he the only thing on my mind? Was that even possible?

Have I been brainwashed by aliens to only think about one thing or person at a time?!

I concluded that was what must have happened. I pouted as Logan flung me on a couch and stood in front of me with his arms crossed. " I still can't believe you did that."

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