Announcement (May 16, 2018)

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I'm just going to go out and say that I'm rewriting WitchCraft.

It's still going to be in this book so I don't have to create a seperate one cause I know most people don't follow it.

The reason why is mostly because I got bored of this writing style and it makes the story seems too simple and very lazy in my opinion, even rushed.

Don't remove this book from your library complaining about how your beloved story won't be the same after the changes.

Yes, it will.

The story premise is still going to be the same, you'll recognize the major conflicts and events that have happened thus far in the story like Ty's welcoming party and him unlocking his magic. All of that is still going to happen.

The only major differences is that I'm gonna work on the details to mix better with the story I'm trying to portray, writing style will improve in a much enjoyable read, and better character development and consistency.

I'd suggest reading what's up right now before I remove it all later to replace it with the new. Read your favorite moments while you still can. Heck, I'll even release the last chapter I worked on even though I consider it to be rushed trash and isn't complete. Though I have no intention to complete it either way. I'm not going to remove them right away. I have the new updated prologue finished that basically condenses the first like, three chapters? Anyway, I'll keep the chapters up till like a week or two after releasing the new prologue.

Trust me, this rewrite is for the better. It'll be fun for you guys to read and fun for me to write.

Love y'all <3

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