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I was panting heavily we I ran out of the school. I looked around for a small moment.

"Where did she-"

I huffed as I caught eye of Ayla running around the corner. I take in a deep breath before running after her.

As she ran down the street I turn at the same corner she did to see her hiding behind a garbage can.

More of the stone monster had Chat surrounded. I felt like I was glued to the spot I was standing. As Ayla ran one of the stone monsters threw a car at her.


Chat Noir used his staff to flip the car over, not crushing Ayla but now she was trapped.

One of the stone beings grabbing my partner. I clenched my jaw I know what I have to do..

I grabbed the small box from Ayla's bag. I put on the earrings and Tiki comes back.


I smiled getting my confidence back. "Tiki I'm sorry what I did, giving up that easily, but I know what I have to do. So..Tiki spots on!"

In moments Tiki is pulled into my earrings as I transform.

I then tossed my yo-yo getting hold of the car. I pulled hard letting the car move a small nudge forward so Ayla could get out.


"You need to get out of here, it's not safe."

Without another word I grabbed Chat's staff and grabbed hold of the light post with my yo-yo and leaped away, catching up with the other stone monsters who had Chat.

I jumped on their shoulders, getting to the one that had Chat Noir in its fist. "Chat Noir extend it!" I shouted as I toss him his stick. He breaks free of the monsters hold and falls back on the ground. I grabbed hold of his legs with my yo-yo pulling him upside down from the light post where I was sitting on.

"Sorry I was late Kitty Cat."

"My lady have I ever told you, you turn my world upside down?" He winked at me.

I let out a small laugh. "Quiet the jokester huh? I guess you can say I have that kind of effect on people."

I winked at him as I then looked over at the monsters coming closer to us.

"We gotta get out of here!" I stood up as I leaped up to the nearest roof top. With Chat Noir following me we leaped roof top to roof top.

"Hey? Aren't we gonna take care of them?"

"No, if we want to save them all then we have to go to the source." I stated as we touched down right in front of the Eiffel Tower.

I see Ivan on top of the Eiffel Tower as he let out another roar. Helicopters surrounded him as a few police officers stayed below.

"I demand my daughters safe return!" The mayor shouted as then Ivan through Chole. "Oh shit!"

I ran over fast catching Chole before she could hit the ground. Chole ran over to her father as I stood up.

"We're clear to attack!" Sabrina's dad stated as other cops aimed their guns. "Wait! Don't attack them, you know it'll only make it worse!" I shouted as he glared down at me.

A Love Like This (Adrien/Chat Noir fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now