Act 2 Scene 18: Abigail Too

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Bright sunshine. Abigail making breakfast, Nip darting around.

Elisabeth: (Coming down the ladder) What are you doing, Abi?

Abigail: I thought I'd get a special breakfast started.

Elisabeth: Special? Why?

Abigail: Don't you know what today is?

Elisabeth: Today?

Abigail: One year ago today, we landed on this island.

Elisabeth: (Amazed) A whole year.

Abigail: So I'm making crumpets.

Turk: (Coming out of nowhere) Crumpets?! Did you say - CRUMPETS?

Abigail: Of course, they won't be the same, but I think I've got a pretty good new recipe.

Elisabeth: Do you need any help?

Abigail: (Handing her some dough to knead) Here.

Turk: Did you hear that, Juno? Crumpets! (Starts dancing around obnoxiously ;)

Abigail: Mother?

Elisabeth: Yes?

Abigail: When Fritz and Emily go, I...I'd like to go with them.

Elisabeth: You...what?

Abigail: I want to go back to the mainland. I miss so much there. I miss the Swiss flowers. The mountains. The trees. I miss Heidi and Adelaide - and Johann.

Elisabeth: (Teasing just a little) Johann.

Abigail: Well, I do miss him.

Elisabeth: I know.

Abigail: And I want to learn more. To go to school and see the world. (Pause) Please, Mother. Please let me go too.

Elisabeth: (Gives her a hug) Abi, I would miss much. And I would worry. About all three of you. (Holds Abigail out in front of her.) But...yes, Abi. Go. Go back and make me proud.

Abigail: Yes, Mother. I'll do my best.

Elisabeth: (Holding out the dough) So, how do you plan to cook these? (Both laugh.)

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