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The same evening he invited you to his apartment. It was so simple, yet astonishing. When you enter it you first arrive in the kitchen that consists of very basic appliances and a black peninsula in the centre. But instead of spending a bit more time there for a drink or something similar you two went straight for the bedroom.

He removed his coat, hanging it quickly and neatly on the hanger on his bedroom door. As you were about to place your purse on a chair that was not so far from the bed, he interrupts you and holds your cheeks in such a tender manner. He wasn't wearing any circle lenses so it was great to look into his wonderful eyes, even though that lasted for a split second before he kissed you for the fourth time that night. His lips carefully lingering on your bottom lip eventually, since the holds and kisses were so gentle you laced your arms around his neck for more support. You were a bit confused, feeling tad shy and anxious because you were clueless in the area. There wouldn't be any other reason for him to invite you to his apartment at this time of the night, right?

He carefully laid you down on the bed. The sheets were so cold probably because of the slightly opened window but for some reason it was quite thrilling. Once you were both properly on the bed he shifted his face in your neck, starting to plant gentle pecks along it. Oh how wonderful he made you feel and you're just getting started. For a moment he pulled away slightly just so he could look at you, but you took that opportunity to open his white shirt, revealing his chest. You carefully moved your fingers in the centre of his torso, admiring the hairs and work of art he truly is.

He eventually starts to work on removing your dress, unzipping the zipper that was on your right side of your waist. With a few shifting and turning you were rid of the black fabric pretty quickly. Konstantin carefully extended his arm down, brushing his fingers over your covered womanhood. Causing you to bite your lip, since you were trying not to make any embarrassing sounds. But your down stairs already had given all of your secrets out since the collision of the fabric of your underwear with your vulva showed how wet you already were. He took the edge of your panties with his two fingers, carefully moving the fabric to the side whilst still looking at you. It was such a struggle for you in the back of mind thinking are you behaving well in this situation. The only thing you could think of doing is pulling his face a bit closer to yours so you could kiss him.

As you two were kissing he carefully slipped one of his slim fingers inside you. You moan in the kiss causing you to part your lips a little, giving him the perfect chance to slip his tongue in your mouth. After some stretching of your womanhood he slid a second finger in, carefully thrusting them in and out.

* * *

The next morning you woke up, feeling incredibly well rested. Thanking god it's Sunday because you had nowhere important to be. Once you opened your eyes and realised you're not in your bed you stirred a bit in a surprise. But as you recollected what happened last night you relaxed, but only a little; since you were alone in his bedroom. Maybe he is in kitchen?

You were completely nude, hens the difficulty of standing up, trying to gather some of your clothes. Once finding your underwear you got into those right away but for some reason your dress was nowhere to be found. The only thing you felt comfortable taking so you wouldn't stay topless was Konstantin's shirt that he wore last night. You took it off the night stand and slipped in it. It was a bit bigger on you, but you had to cover yourself before looking for the man you had spent your night with.

You exit the bedroom with caution, finding him in the kitchen, somewhere in the corner making coffee. He was already dressed, wearing some sweats and a sweatshirt. That man looked good in everything. With your right hand you carefully knock on the hanging kitchen closets in order to get his attention. He turns around right away almost like he had already felt your presence in the room before you tried letting him know. His face was glowing; he appeared like such a cheerful puppy at the early hours, perhaps he was a morning person. You approached him with a soft smile, giving his cheek a little kiss. But instead of doing the same in return he choose to place a soft kiss on your lips, mumbling a little good morning afterwards in such an adorable accent.

Konstantin and you spent the next 30 minutes making something for breakfast. You washed some fresh fruit and settled the bigger ones on the cutting board to slice them. As you were slicing the apple you accidently hurt the corner of your palm. This obviously doesn't usually happen to you but I guess you were tad nervous. It wasn't a big cut at all but there was a good amount of blood coming out. You bit your lip and made your way closer to the sink to rinse it off, but in a swift second Konstantin took a hold of your wrist. Carefully putting a little pressure in the centre of your palm with his thumb to stop the bleed with for some reason worked. But then he placed a small kiss on your finger before licking the blood, suckling a little bit on the wound. I guess he was into some interesting stuff.

As the time was approaching four pm you saw no reason to go home at all. Konstantin had given you some of his comfortable clothes after the breakfast since it was getting a big colder. As much as he loved seeing you in that shirt and underwear he didn't want you to be cold. The moment you met him you knew he was some sort of an artistic person, but once seeing more of his apartment you realised all sorts of things he did. There was many books some appeared untouched but some so used up from all the reading. He had several painting, not even on the walls, just there in the corners of his bedroom. But one thing stood out the most which was a smaller piano in his living room.

The entire day you wanted to ask about it but had no idea how. So you figured you might just sit in front of it and see what happens. You sat your bum on the smaller handless chair in front of the piano, admiring the small keys and the words carved in the front. It was quite silent until he sat next to you. The way his face just lights up when he looks at the piano was admirable. He was passionate about so many things. "You play?"

You whispered to him, he just nods looking now back at you. "I do play." With a little smile in return to his words your gently hold his hand, looking it at. A small blush spreading across your cheeks as you recall for what he used them last night. "Please show me." Konstantin nods and shifts a bit so he's closer to the piano. You let go of his hand so he can use it for what he's about to show you.

The man starts playing a wonderful tune. It was so familiar but you were never enough interested into classical music for you to recognise what was the piece. His fingers moving almost effortlessly across the piano keys, perfectly pressing each at the needed time. He's really good. How do I deserve to be in his presence?

a wonderful foreigner // mélovin.Where stories live. Discover now