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Autumn of 2019

It took some time to get used to the fact that he is absent but that he is coming back. That is something that you would repeat to yourself very often upon returning home from work. This is temporary. They say home is not necessarily a certain house or a spot, it's a feeling. Well the apartment that you and Konstantin share felt very different; that month especially. I guess you could say that during these times home was inside your mind, where you would imagine spending time with Konstantin and also recalling some special moments you two have shared before. Considering how miserable you've felt, you were the only person that suddenly became aware of a completely new level of excitement when Konstantin invited you to come to Odessa for his week off the X Factor house.

You were extremely proud of your boyfriend for how far he has come since he left London. Gaining courage to audition for this national show for the third time was admirable. He came a shy young man but now he has managed to radiate with confidence and strength. The next week was set to be the finals week where he would perform live in front of the biggest audience ever in hopes to win a record deal.

You arrived to Odessa on Monday afternoon after a really long plane flight. Konstantin's mother has offered herself to pick you up since your boyfriend was still resting since as he says, the best practice he manages is during the night. You two shared a cab, catching up as much as possible due to the still existing language barer but she also complimented you on how your Ukrainian has gotten a lot better. Later that day you've entered one of the warmest looking apartments you've ever seen, and it smelled wonderful. Konstantin's mother has pointed towards your boyfriend's room and you giddily approached the said door, opening with caution.

The room was a bit smaller, perhaps four by four meters in size. The first thing you notice upon entering is an old brown piano in the left corner, and just across of that on the right side was a bed made with nearly identical type of wood, and he was there; sleeping peacefully. Carefully you settle your black suitcase near the door before kneeling in front of his bed, observing the sleeping features of his wonderful face. The blond suited him so well; it was freshly washed and all over the place; also due to the fact that he must have been really tired before falling asleep. You have missed him so much; you were using every ounce of strength in your body not to attack him with kisses.

Eventually you've extended your right arm up, toying with his hair as you stroked it with your fingers. It felt just like it always did, it felt familiar and fulfilling. Despite how gentle you were, he began to stir rather quickly, slowly opening his eyes as well. Upon seeing you Konstantin listened to his instincts quickly and lifted the front of his body just a tad so he could press his lips against yours, kissing you. The smile on your face was evident right away, your smiling lips against his warm plush ones, kissing each other lovingly. "Thank you for coming, come." He whispers, carefully pulling you to join him on the bed.

"I need a shower." You pretend to protest as a set of giggles escape your lips. "I don't care." He responds, pulling you tightly against his chest.

February of 2020

You've always did your absolute best to be there when Konstantin has very important performance in his career. Of course you had to be there for his first Vidbir performance as he attempted to be selected to represent Ukraine on Eurovison Song Contest. Other contestants were amazing but in your completely unbiased opinion, his song was the best. It was also a bit odd hearing him being called out as Melovin, not Konstantin or Kostya; but you literally had no reason to complain. He consulted with you of course when he was picking out his stage name. But honesty after names such as Nickel or Nick, Melovin just sounded way better; it rolled on the tongue in the most wonderful way.

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