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Days up until the planned trip flew by pretty quickly. Despite the fact that you are an extremely organised person there would always be something missing in your suitcase. You have made countless lists over and over again and always ended up comparing them all. Listing the basics even like the toothbrush, toothpaste and for some reason pads even though there were 10 more days until your period; but just in case. Since it was a short trip Konstantin and you both agreed to share a smaller suitcase you had that was simply perfect for the situation. Not too big nor too small, it simply made sense to use it. It was a bit difficult to convince your boyfriend not to bring a lot of clothes. You didn't need much plus it was a trip meant for sweating and sleeping.

The plane and bus rides are usually so long lasting right? The anticipation just building up inside you, the boredom, desire to sleep but not being able to. But for some reason this one was pretty quick. And before you could blink you were welcomed by the wonderful green sights of Ireland. So gorgeous the country is. The castle bigger than you could have ever imagined it to be. When you don't pay attention to the missing towers, acropolises it nearly felt like you were there in the 12th century. The lazy bastards you and your boyfriend are, it took you a while to get used to all the walking and climbing, but it was all worth the sweat.

The moment you thought things couldn't get any better, you and Konstantin managed to climb up on one of the rare towers that were still complete, giving you the wonderful view on the river and the rest of the city. You two just stood there admiring the view, and your boyfriend pitching in one of those cheesy cliché comments on how you are more gorgeous than the sight is.

"So how do you like the trip so far? Are you glad I made you come?"

"Well you were pretty convincing... " he says with a small chuckle, letting your frame lean against his. He reaches out to carefully stroke you hair, removing some of the baby strands of your face that the wind kept fighting with. "I am really happy we came."

"Me too." you say with the brightest smile, trying to snuggle up a bit closer to your boyfriend's side. Eventually you tilt your head slightly towards him, placing a gentle peck to his jaw. Giggling at a big rougher patch of skin than usual since he had no time to shave, you liked it. He then uses his spare arm to hold your chin, and places a small peck against your lips before full on kissing you. Both of you moulding lips with each other's, you completely letting him control and do whatever he chooses, that causing your lower lip to slip in between his. He tugs on tiny bit with his teeth and laughs silently afterwards. "Someone's tired."

"I am, but never too tired to feel you."

He smiles softly, before looking away so he could observe the sight even more. Watching the wind move the trees and tall grass around the naturally set stones in the edges of the river side. As he was too occupied with that you placed your hand on his chest, gently caressing whilst trying not the fall asleep. This moment was too incredible and you felt like you never wanted it to end. You had this desire to stay like this, in this moment in time, with him forever. He returns the looks a few minutes later, noticing your absentminded like state, taking a hold of your cheek. The moment when you wake up from daydreaming to a better moment are rare, this day could not get any more perfect even if the Gods trapped you and allowed you to carry this moment forever, and letting only you two inhabit this earth, just you two, nothing and nobody else. Because it already felt like that. Konstantin and you were in your own wonderful world. It was not to be disturbed ever.

As mentioned before, all wonderful things pass quickly. Before you could blink Konstantin and you were already on your way towards the plane, walking through the tube that leads to the main entrance. What a wonderful experience this was, and how happy you were that you were able to share this with someone you love. December is approaching and that meant holidays are coming. Oh how blessed you felt in hope that you will get to spend them with him.

For the past days one thought has been sitting in the corner of your mind and revolving; do I love him? It was no secret that the feelings you had for Konstantin were strong as fuck. Just the thought of him made you melt and smile uncontrollably, which means you were in a liquid state all the time because he was everything in your mind. There were no other thoughts, you were in love. So damn much in love but terrified of how soon it all happened.

Once you two entered the plane, you've found your seats pretty quickly and sat way too close. You smiled brightly and leaned against his frame, resting your head on his shoulder. Oh how thankful you've felt for all those times you've stumbled upon him in that coffee shop, and the looks you've exchanged. He moves his left hand to hold yours, lacing each finger with his tightly, giving you a tender squeeze.

Should I wait to say it? Should I just simply share what I know. I know I love him, more than I've never loved. His presence makes me blinded so I don't see the bad in the world. It's all butterflies and soft music playing in the background, each time I look into his eyes. I love him so much, I have to let him know. That's the thing with love right, when you feel it you have to express it. You have showed before but, with words you haven't.

You look up to him with a slight smile, placing a little peck to his chin before finally mumbling out. "I love you"

a wonderful foreigner // mélovin.Where stories live. Discover now