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Konstantin and you took a quick shower together. It was one of the most rushed ones you've ever had in your life. Sure you've felt a need to be extremely presentable upon meeting your boyfriend's parents but the fear of being late was bigger. Once drying your hair thoroughly and applying rather natural looking make up on your face, you've slipped into a black bohemian style summer dress, decorated with various kinds of roses. And at around fifteen minutes until twelve pm you and Konstantin were in the hotel elevator, slowly but surely making your way towards a restaurant at which you were supposed to meet his family.

His family had chosen a traditional restaurant but also the kind that is for meals of this sort. The place was pretty big and not many people were eating; surely because it's still early in the day; but it did seem like a high end spot. Music was playing in the background at the most perfect sound level, loud enough to be heard but also silent enough so it wouldn't interrupt or mess with conversations. Upon entering Konstantin greeted the employee at the entrance desk on both of your behalf and explained that we have a table reserved. To which the guy showed us a way. Thankfully you two have arrived first and a sigh of relief escapes your lips; this first impression mattered so much to you.

Your wrists were shaking and your knees were wobbly, even more than that day you were on your first date with Konstantin. His parents turned out to be an absolute blast though; nothing like you would expect from a well behaved young man such as your boyfriend. You first got introduced to a lovely lady in her early fifties. She was wearing a pink pair of high wasted trousers, paired up with a white button up blouse. His mother is an absolute joy to be around, due to the most notable radiant and bright smile. She attempted to communicate with you in the most marvelous and spontaneous ways using hand gestures and dramatized facial expressions. Konstantin couldn't help but let out a laugh then and there at his mother's fond behavior. His father on the other hand was a complete opposite but absolutely lovely regardless. He is a smaller dark haired man, with a pair of eyes that had the ability to stare deeply into your soul. The seriousness in his voice could send shivers down your spine but all the giggles at the end of each sentence his lips produce levels up his likeness by 50%. Despite occasionally bringing up the rebellious outfit choices of their son every single exchange of words with them was absolutely positive. Konstantin of course did his best by helping in translation when you would feel lost. But frankly, most of the times you have managed to express yourself in one way or another. You spoke of the city, and how you've enjoyed every bit so far during your stay. His mother talked a bit about your boyfriend's childhood and various talent competitions he went to in hopes to become a successful singer. She was so into her own stories that at one point you've felt as if she was about to pull out some childhood photos from her purse.

They were both so friendly, so friendly and acceptive of you dating their son. Even though his father had thrown in a topic of marriage jokingly at one point, the atmosphere of the lunch continued to be the most comfortable.

Konstantin's eyes shined each time his mom or dad complimented you. He would just extend his hand under the table towards you to hold your hand. And as you embrace his palm you let both of your hands rest on your lap, crinkling the fabric of your thin black dress.

Once the lunch has finished, around an hour later, all four of you made a decision to take a walk through a park not so far away from the restaurant. It was still a wonderful day. The sun was shining, various birds were chirping and you could see the streaks of sunlight coming through a few cracks in between the center of the combined tree house that was covering the entire walking area. The shadows of the trees were bringing the temperature to the perfection; so it wasn't too hot or too cold. With every step you took, your left arm laced with Konstantin's right, you felt more and more grateful for this trip and your stay in Odessa. The way you've just simply kicked off with his parents, especially his mother has managed to warm your heart to the point that you could not stop smiling. Even later that day in the hotel room when you were doing some work on your laptop and your earphones kept slipping out of your ears because your jaw was always clenched a bit as you smiled brightly.

That was around five pm, you were starring at the monitor of your laptop and licking the ice cream coated spoon with your tongue as Konstantin exited the bathroom. He was wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of white briefs. The locks of his wet black hair were all slicked to the back so you could see the entirety of this beautiful face.

He took a seat right next to you and lit up a cigarette. I have spoken of it before but there was something so enticing about the way he smoked. It wasn't something he did that often, this was his first light in days, but when he did your thoughts would drive you wild into the endless bliss of attractiveness and pure need. You both stared at each other for a while, just mindlowingly communicating through the power of eyesight. Minutes later for some reason, he offered you a cigarette and you take one from the packaging, placing it between your lips. Konstantin scoots a bit closer so he could light it up for you and within seconds you were able to inhale the toxicity that is tobacco.

His smiles send your mind to all sorts of places, but the sudden seriousness is making you realise that something is up. He places a little kiss to your temple before letting his right arm rest around your neck and over your left shoulder that is closer to him. "I think I should stay in Ukraine for a while."

a wonderful foreigner // mélovin.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें