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Since you've met Konstantin, one of the first things that you've learned after the first five days is that he will always smell like bubblegum and light tobacco. You've never met anyone before that smoked so elegantly. Since you were a little girl, you grew up around many adults that smoked with little to no breaks in between cigarettes, which became a part of your life. And you would always say that you will never smoke in your own life. As you've grown and realised that they soothe you and make you feel better in tense situations you started having perhaps four every month. But since you've started dating Konstantin that number tripled, it was addictive. Not in a way that smoking was something important, or that you were an addict. The addictiveness was because of him.

One evening you were both looking through a French style window in his bedroom, watching the city move in front of your eyes. It wasn't particularly magical since you've been able to observe all the ridiculous fights between drivers and pointless car horns so loud they would often startle you.

He was smoking next to you, so professional and relaxed. The way he held that stick of dried up leaves wrapped in paper, with his slim fingers just looked so good, and for some reason the biggest turn on. He moved the cigarette in between his fingers with little to no effort. And as he inhaled the smoke you could see the skin on his neck move, his Adam's apple moving a millimetre upwards before he exhaled all the toxicity out. He knew you were watching.

"Do you want one?"

You shake your head in respond, licking your lower lip.

"But I can do the same without it, see –" you reply in a teasing tone, exhaling into the cold, creating various lines of warm air that resembled of smoke he produces. Causing him to laugh. You loved that laugh, so joyful. "It's getting late let's sleep, please."

He just nods, turning the cigarette off in his favourite ash tray that he keeps on the window bench.

That night you spent at his place; yet again. You two slept in such odd looking positions that at first appear uncomfortable but were in fact, extremely soothing and pleasant. Your thigh carefully yet tightly wrapped over his right hip, but he held your waist a bit lower and with that providing you just enough space for you to rest your head on his chest. Every once in a while he would roll his chin on the top of your hair, and when he would do that he would also move his fingers slowly through your lovely locks.

Mornings at his place were one of your favourite things about your relationship with Konstantin. The heat of his body; especially during these cold days, and the scent his frame provides was simply wonderful. And each time you feel yourself waking up, you dread the moment you'd have to get up, start getting ready for work, or do any sort of movements. You feel him squeeze your waist, as a small sign to let you know he is awake too. You changed many positions all through the night and somehow ended up spooning, with him having his strong arms wrapped around you. Maybe a minute or so later, he groans, moving his head only to place a few chaste kisses on your bare shoulder and arm. Oh how he always knew exactly what you needed.

"Move in with me." He whispers the question, so confidently and monotone, without even opening his eyes. You take a minute or so to yourself, thinking about what he just asked. This thought has crossed your mind before. Even though when you take a look at the relationship you two have and how you act, both; it's like you already live together.

The feeling of giddiness swallowed your stomach. You sure as hell would love to spend every morning with him. To wake up in his arms, just like this. To share breakfast, morning coffee and a nice dinner in the evening. Upon all the thoughts you collected you smile widely, before shifting your right hand a bit higher so you could hold his. "Okay."

The next ten days were utter lethargy. You never realised you had so many things until you started packing them up. What you thought it was going to around ten boxes turned into twenty. The amount of unused hand creams and medicine that had expired nearly two years ago was ridiculous. But this move was an excellent opportunity to get rid of so many unnecessary things. And by the end of day eight, you had more garbage to throw away than boxes to move to Konstantin's apartment.

Of course, he helped. Luckily the two places were not that far apart so there was no need to call a moving company or pay a cab to drive all the boxes. You've both decided it would be the best to carry at least four boxes per day, for five days. And by the end of the month of February, you've said your farewell to your apartment.

You had no desire to do changes to his place whatsoever; it was already so comfortable and beautiful. The only issue that had presented itself was the closet space. Oh the amount of clothes you both had ended up being a problem. You're not the one to care too much about clothes, the way your boyfriend does. He had a few designer pieces himself, and he needed a lot of space for those not to end up with some permanent wrinkles.

Knowing how well this relationship was moving made you so happy.

a wonderful foreigner // mélovin.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant