seven *

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You two were there in silence, on his bed and now already cold sheets, enjoying the breeze that was coming through an open window. His fingers slowly moving over your bare body, carefully travelling down your torso, eventually drawing random patterns with his pointer finger. Kostya was in difference from you sitting, wearing his underwear and holding a cigarette in his other hand. These soft moments after sex were a simple bliss. Each time you observe his wonderful features. His broad yet small shoulders, chest wide and tough with hairs showing in between his pecks, down his stomach developing into a really attractive happy trail.

"So for how long are you planning to stay in Ukraine? Will you return before New Year?" you finally ask, carefully sitting up to observe your boyfriend even more. Still out of habit fixing his hair, lovely strands of black hair lifting up. "I will return before new year, I want to spend that time with you." he replies, his answer causing you to smile.

"That sounds lovely." you say before placing a small kiss on his cheek. "I can't wait to spend that evening with you. New year, new beginnings. You are the only part of my life that I want to bring with me."

"I feel the same" Konstantin says before turning his head to face you, placing a chaste kiss to your lips. "I love you"

"I love you too." He smiles, in those moments he would show his adorable side, he looked like precious gem. At first look Konstantin looks like a really serious and dark person. With his facial features hardly moving, besides his eyebrows. But after spending months and months with him you have managed to get to know the softest person. The way he smiles and how the corners of his eyes curl up tiny bit when he does so. How he tells really cheesy and sometimes shitty jokes but still making you laugh. His gestures are so well thought and scream kindness and pure love. It wasn't hard to fall for him at all in a short span of time you two know each other.

He moves his fingers up your chest, gently taking a hold of your chin. He opens his mouth a few times like he was trying to say something but he doesn't. With a little bit on his lower lip he still observes you, tilting his tad bit as he lets his fingers sift up your cheek.

"Are you hungry?"


That was it. That was the conversation. Barely existing, filled with silence, but good silence. Once he lets go of your face you stand up, looking around for your underwear to put them on. As you finally find the piece that was hanging on the edge of the bed you slide it on yourself. After realising you're still feeling a bit bare you pick up a random shirt of the pillow and get in that as well. Before you could turn around your boyfriend had already disappeared, perhaps making something in the kitchen. So you decide to fill in the time by gathering the rest of the scattered clothing that was around the bedroom; tossing some in the basket for dirty laundry. Afterwards you fix the bed a little, but as you notice a really dry, stained towel in the bottom bed corner, used for cleaning up various liquids after intercourse, you take that to the dirty laundry basket as well.

Before you know it you could smell some onions and tomatoes being fried. Oh how he knows you well. He knows that you have to have spaghetti with tomatoes at least once a week, and this week was no exception. You make your way towards the kitchen and watch your boyfriend placing pasta into a pot of steamy boiling water. Once he manages to submerge the food under the water he turns around. He always knows when you're watching him.

A small whine escapes your lips because you really just wanted to observe, as you usually do. But him even knowing this, doesn't let you. You approach him, placing a small peck on his lips and nose.

"I know we have around five more days until Christmas but how am I supposed to spend a week without you..." you whisper. But he responds with another kiss, carefully moulding your lips together. "No clue." He whispers in return, gently nuzzling your nose. When will be the next time, you get to have a passionate day of love making and a dinner with a glass of wine by your boyfriend's side. Why was the thought of this terrifying? And often the fact on how much you're dependent on your boyfriend's company is scary.

We all know that after you finish middle school, holidays don't even feel like holidays anymore. I mean you celebrate them, they are still there; but that charm is completely gone. It was time to revisit that dull feeling yet again, as you felt yourself exiting the sweet slumber of sleeping and dreaming in your childhood bedroom. Everything was there, your desk, bookshelves with old books and a giant One Direction poster right above your bed. Ah what a throwback to your teens.

You carefully sit up, removing some of the blankets of your body your grandmother had probably covered you with mid night. Checking your phone right away to see how is Konstantin doing in his home country. No missed calls, or messages or social media, just one simple and sweet text message saying "I hope you are doing well, I miss you, I love." And that was all you needed.

You slide a pair of fuzzy festive socks on your feet and grab a black hoodie you've stolen from your boyfriend god knows when; to keep you warm, and make your way out of the bedroom, to the dining room. As expected it was already lively. Your mother pouring fresh coffee into cups and your father finishing up a pile of savoury French toast at the stove. What a wonderful family atmosphere, you had nothing to complain for, except for one this, you missed him.

Who was by the way not doing better.

a wonderful foreigner // mélovin.Where stories live. Discover now