Part fifty let's go bihes you're gonna hate me

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*Trigger Warning*

*I said I would write smut but I'm a child of Jesus so I only put a little. 

There are also other triggers*


Johnathan Laurens 

(Proper Noun

There is no way to describe his beauty. Freckles danced upon his face when he smiled. His perfect tanned skin was always met with a blue jacket over his clothes. Even when he was sad he could smile. He was taller than me. He had beautiful curls that framed every angle of his face as if he was a portrait. His scars burned against his arms. Red blotchy lines forever drawn across the perfect painting. I was in love with him.

He couldn't feel the same about himself though.

That's why he died at 7:45 p.m. 

Specifically 7:45.62  was when the lines took over the painting. Bloody lines everywhere until it was just a mess of broken canvas and red. 


It is currently 3:40 a.m. and I can feel the pills doing their work. I only started taking them an hour ago. But it makes sense that I can feel my limbs shutting down. I ate the entire medicine cabinet. 

The only thoughts racing through my mind are John.

How his lips tickled my neck at night.

The way his hands would touch me ever so delicately.

His hair when it was mixed with sweat as he looked at me while we laid in bed together.

I can't move my legs anymore.

The ways that his body would shine in the bare moonlight.

I feel dizzy while my eyesight turns darker.

How his lips moved as he said: "I love y-"

And then I died. 


So that was really short but I think that it's one of my favorites. I'm sure you guys love that I mixed it up and killed both of them instead of just John. I was thinking of starting up another one-shot book but with more ships in it. idk.  I need to work on my Dear Evan Hansen one as well. I'm not gonna put any life updates here since I have my journal (check it out if you want to see how much I hate myself.).

Okay well, that's all for now.

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