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Nox stared at the boy

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Nox stared at the boy.

The boy, unaware, continued to sleep.

Is he the wolf? Could he really be anyone else? Are there people who change into wolves here? He has the brown paper wrapping around an arm... So it must be him!

Nox proceeded to continue staring at the boy, until it occurred to him to scavenge around for some form of long stick. Despite the abundance of dried foliage all around, most of the sticks and twigs were withered to the point of crumbling or just generally weren't suitable for the task.

So, he reached into his satchel and retrieved the next best thing: A stick of jerky.

Tentatively, he reached out and poked the boy's cheek with the meat rod.

And again.

And again.

The boy protested the repeated poking with an annoyed groan and proceeded to shift around until he was comfortable again, remaining asleep the entire time.

Nox blinked, and tried poking the boy again.

This time, the child grumbled.

Startled, Nox jumped backwards, aiming his jerky stick at the boy. The boy, after being so violently disrupted, started up so quickly that he promptly tripped over his own feet and landed back on his rump.

Nox stared at him incredulously, jerky sword at the ready. "Who are you?!"

The boy furrowed his pale brow at him in confusion, scarlet eyes glaring at him with annoyance. "I could ask you the same question."

Nox thrust his jerky sword forward. "I'm the one with a weapon. I do the asking."

The boy looked at the jerky strip, blinked, and looked back at Nox. "It's a stick of meat."

Nox waved his weapon around in exasperation. "Well, what do you have? I mean, sure, you were a wolf, but I have a strip of jerky!"

The boy blinked again, looking at him skeptically. "It's still a stick of meat."

Nox responded with throwing the jerky strip at him, though the kid easily swerved to the side, dodging the assault. "You know, you're the one who woke up with a head on my leg in not the same form as the one I fell asleep to last night. Besides, I helped your arm!" He pointed out with a nod to the brown paper wrapping still around the boy's forearm.

The boy glanced down at the brown paper wrapped around his forearm. "Yes... But I saved you from a giant spider."

The vampire scowled. "Do you want another stick of jerky thrown at you or not?"

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