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  "Answer me," she practically growled

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  "Answer me," she practically growled. "How do you know my name?"

Frost hadn't moved from his position a few yards away with his back turned to her, a chill wind rustling through his fur. Finally, he turned his head to the side to show half his face, though he still couldn't quite look at her. "You were... Mumbling when I carried you in earlier. You said some names... Figured one of them was yours."

Eliza almost laughed, and she took a step forwards towards him. Perhaps it was boldness, or recklessness, she didn't know. Didn't care. "If you think I'd believe a such a flimsy lie as that, then I am really curious who you are to know my name yet clearly not me."

The nocturnal turned his head away again. "Yes, I suppose that was shortsighted of me," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Eliza wanted to throw her arms out in exasperation, but settled on a curt snort. "I'm tired of this. Is it even possible for you to speak normally? Without making a million questions out of your answers?" She took another step towards him. "What is going on here? Who are you?"

He ran a hand through the fur on his head. "Look... There are things that you just won't understand. Not yet." Finally he turned to face her, sapphire eyes cold. "Please, just... Stay here. Rest. When you're ready, I'll explain things to you."

At this point, she lost all fear. She stormed right up to his face. "I'm ready now."


That was it. She whirled around and started towards the cave mouth and the snowstorm beyond it. "Fine. This is pointless. I don't even know who I am, and yet apparently other people seem to think they have a much better understanding. If you don't tell me, I guess I'll just have to defeat this competition so that I can finally figure out who I am and why I'm even here. Thanks for saving me, but I'm going to find my friends now— even if I have to fall in that pit to do it."

She didn't know if the nocturnal followed her. He certainly didn't try to stop her as she stepped into the blizzard, snow and wind blasting against her.

"Does it seem strange to you that you don't remember your past?" Frost's voice called out into the snow.

"Go away Frost!" she shouted back to him, not stopping as she tried to navigate her way. In the flurry of snow, she could hardly see a few yards head of her. She scanned around for somewhere away from Frost that she could hide until the storm abated...

Aha, there, she thought, spotting a shallow cave in the mountain a little ways away, and not the same as Frost's. She wrapped her arms around herself from the cold and started marching through the snow towards that shallow shelter.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2018 ⏰

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