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Darkness fogged around her vision, misty death ready to claim her.

For a moment, she was tempted to close her eyes, and surrender into that sweet oblivion. With death quite literally tightening its grip, sending pain shooting through her neck as she struggled to breath, she readied herself...

The music dropped.

There was a sound of metal through flesh.

Amdraste's eyes widened, and she fell to the floor, releasing Eliza.

Eliza fell to the ground as well, gasping for air. At that moment the single most important thing in the world to her was dragging air into her lungs.

She only got a glimpse of Bleidd, standing in his human form, holding a thin blade bright with scarlet before he fell to his knees. The blade fell from his hand and clattered to the ground, and the child stared at his work in horror.

That was when she saw the blood welling on Amdraste's back through the hole in the black cloak, staining the fabric.

For a heartbeat, she thought that the vampire was dead.

That was, until she whipped out a shredded arm and grasped the bloody handle of her blade.

Bleiddwyn collapsed backwards in an attempt to get away, but Eliza was not as fast as she tried to crawl— and so Amdraste pushed herself up with one arm and raised her dagger with another, and impaled it into the closest thing there was.

Eliza's right thigh.

She let out a cry of pain as she collapsed again, and Amdraste pulled out the dagger in another flash of pain. Blue blood gleamed on the silver blade, blending with the scarlet.

"You're not getting rid of me so easily!" The vampire growled, inelegantly scrambling to try and reach Eliza again.

It was all Eliza could do to try and haul herself away with her arms. Tears welled in her eyes as pain shot through her leg with every movement, but the vampire was far faster, and Eliza turned her head to catch a glimpse as Amdraste rose back to her feet with only a wince of pain.

Eliza was transfixed now. There was no way to run now. So she watched.

Amdraste grinned, peering down at the cobalt blood on her blade. "I must say... I've never tried blue blood before. I do wonder what it's like..." Just as she finished speaking, the vampire lifted the blade to her mouth... And dragged her tongue along it, licking the blood from the blade.

The vampire first raised a brow, looking ready to make some sort of retort— then suddenly tilted her head back as her breathing came in heaves. "Ahhh..." She breathed, sounding relaxed. "Sweet. Almost too sweet. But that's pure magic for you." Her grip tightened around her dagger. "Your blood is powerful. I'd become the most powerful vampire in this whole tournament if I drained you."

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