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Nox didn't like spiders

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Nox didn't like spiders.

He also didn't like people who wanted to kill him, in general.

Which placed him trapped between two things he didn't care for very much.

Eliza and Bleidd had soon reached Zola, who still laid out in the ground. Amdraste continued towards them from the tunnel mouth, eyes glowing through the darkness and full of malice. The spider, on his other side, still sat on the strands of silk, waiting like a cat ready to pounce.

"Alright," he called back to Eliza. "What now?"

She looked like she was thinking hard. "Not die," the redhead called back.

Usually he might have laughed, but trapped with death surrounding them on all sides, he wasn't in a joking mood. He was acutely aware of his racing heartbeat, and a heavy ball of unease had settled in his stomach. "Yeah, but how?"

Eliza didn't get a chance to respond. Amdraste was about to cross from the shade and into the sun, closing the distance between the vampiress and the others of his team.

She stepped into the light, revealing her animalistic eyes and deer-like ears.

Nox hardly had the time to wonder when and how she had changed when she cringed.

Amdraste visibly recoiled, as if in sudden pain. She curled up on herself, face contorting in pain, and one hand lashed back to hastily pull her cloak's velvet black hood over her head. Yet even that didn't seem to stop her agony, and so she stumbled back into the shade. Once she had finally stopped writhing, Nox was able to see what looked like burn marks spread across her exposed skin.

The vampiress took a few breaths, then opened her eyes to narrow, ferocious slits. "No..." She growled. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" Amdraste kicked at the ground, sending puffy clouds of gray dust up into the air. "It's not fair! I was so close!"

Nox was almost shocked by Amdraste's display. One moment she seemed like a terrifying murderess, and the next, a child having a tantrum.

He couldn't tell if that made her more or less frightening.

Yet either way, it seemed as though she was unable to reach them.


He was distracted from Amdraste when Eliza called his name.

The redhead's emerald eyes were serious. "We need to call the dragon."

Nox nodded his head. "Y— yes. Uhhhh..." He glanced at the spider, not wanting to be the one that had to sing the song. "I... Don't have the song memorized," he lied. Eliza had sung the lullaby multiple times the other night just so they would remember it... Just in case something happened to her.

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