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 This was all a bad dream

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 This was all a bad dream. Eliza was convinced of it.

She felt like she was watching the world but no longer a part of it— worse, she felt like this was a game. A game in which she had just made a bad move, and needed to load an back to an earlier save so that she could correct it.

It just couldn't possibly be real.

One moment, Nox, Zola and Bleidd and been there. The next, a gaping pit of darkness where they had been. She stared at it in horror. It almost seemed to stare back at her, with the eyes only an infinite fall could muster. For what she could see down it was deep, at least hundreds of yards down, before the foggy shadows took over and hid whatever lay below.

Eliza listened, waiting to hear the sucking crack of bones on stone. Yet there was nothing. She wasn't sure if that was worse.

She fell to her knees, blind to the cold. She was half tempted to jump in after them. After having tried going solo before, she knew how fruitless it was. This game wasn't one to be played alone. She needed Zola's wisdom, Bleidd's abilities, even Nox's humor.

"Are you alright?"

Eliza whirled around, her heart skipping a beat in surprises.

There, standing in the snow, holding a torch, was a man. No, a cat. A cat man? Nocturnal, Eliza recalled. His black-leather trench coat and long lynx-coat gray fur whipped around in the wind, though the nocturnal didn't seem to mind the cold.

"Are you alright?" He asked again, his voice and eyes as cold and hard as the weather, though it rumbled in a way similar to Caerwyn's voice. His words and expression seemed polar opposites, and proved to only confuse her further.

Eliza wasn't even sure how to answer. "My team... Just fell down a hole."

His silver-flecked sapphire catlike eyes darted to the pit behind her, then back to her. "You had a team with you?" He asked.

Eliza furrowed her brow. "Who are you? Are you planning on killing me?" She said instead, ignoring his strange question. She slowly shifted away from the edge of the pit, just in case he had any plans about pushing her in. Despite her thoughts from earlier, she wanted a few of her own questions answered either way. "Did you know about that pit? Where it leads? Could they be alive?"

He watched her for a moment, his gaze calculating. "Frost," he answered.

"What?" She cried out.

"My name. Frost."

She hung her head in frustration before trying to collect herself. "And my friends? What is that pit?"

The way he managed to stand perfectly still against the wind unsettled her— like a poised predator. "They were your friends?" Said he, seemingly ignoring her questions as she had his.

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