Chapter 23

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I didn't feel like proofreading this with the typos if there are any. 👍🏽

"I love you"
"I love you too"

Jungkook POV
"No! Nonononono!" Tae yelled jumping up to his feet eyes panicked in fear. "Tae we-" "No! Your lying to me. Playing with me. Again!" He he said holding his head looking as though he was trying to cover his ears. "Please! Just-" Jimin tried, reaching out for him but he jerked away. Eyes flooded with tears he ran back toward the house leaving us here feeling sad and broken.

Taehyung POV

"What's the matter Tae? They love you now aren't you happy? V asked in a mocking tone

"Don't pretend you can't hear me I know you can."

"Why're not responding? Come on we both know what's happening."

"They came all the way here to finish you off"

"It must have been oh so boring there for them without their favorite punching bag"

"They came to gain your trust so you'd come back. They might've even toyed around with your feelings for a while just to entertain themselves"

"..........You should be thanking me, instead of ignoring me. It's rather rude you know and hurtful.

"Hurtful? What about all the things you've done to me! What about those?!" I screamed entering my room and waking Dicky in the process.

"If I recall correctly I've only ever done what you wanted so don't try to shift blame. This is all on you, I do what you want. What you truly want, remember that."

"What I want? I just want to be happy, to be at peace. When has he ever helped me get that?" I questioned to myself as I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around me. "Tae, calm down" Dicky said holding me close to his chest. "Huh?" I said surprised I hadn't even realized I was shaking, my breathing unsteady and my body covered in a sweat. Releasing the built up tension I slumped in his arms. "Are you ok?" He asked a little above a whisper. "No, but then again when am I ever" I said letting tears fall.

He just held me, letting me cry it out. "I-I want Taehyon" I said as my cries reduce to sniffles. "He'll be back soon, ok?" He said gripping me tighter "You'll be ok, I have to leave tomorrow but I'll be back the morning after. Hyonie should be back then too right? We'll all hang out Anna too, it'll be just like before. So..... till then please, just be ok" he said voice cracking in the process. I nodded in response holding him just as tight for comfort. We'd made our way to the bed still attached and fell asleep holding each other.

3rd POV

The next morning was uncomfortably quiet, Jungkook and Jimin had come back in that night a mess both had clearly been crying. Though neither told the others the reason for it, too hurt to even bring it up. They'd thought Tae would accept them back, that they were different from the others. But it was made clear last night that Tae saw them in the same light as the other hyungs. He was afraid of them and didn't trust them in the least.

The hyungs all could tell something was wrong and even more that Tae was the cause. How to address it was the mystery they had yet to solve, they had no right to be angry at Tae for their state. They knew they had to do something though, neither boy had spoken since they all woke up. They looked lost in thought and continuously broke into tears, anytime we came to comfort them they pushed away.

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