How to Fight to the Death with Your Boyfriend

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"Hey, Vio. How are you holding up?" Shadow asked gently.

"I want to die," he said bluntly.

Shadow swore and pulled his boyfriend closer. Vio rested his chin on Shadow's shoulder, hands on his waist.

Shadow took a deep breath while he pulled out the knife silently, getting ready to plunge it into the boy's back, aiming for the heart. Mary was visiting a friend, so Shadow wouldn't have to worry about her hearing anything she shouldn't. No one would hear Vio.

But he would.

He shoved the knife back into his pocket, trying to bot notice the wet drop on his shoulder.

Vio was crying.

"I can't believe they're gone, they're actually..."

The blonde pulled away, turned away, wanted to run away, didn't want to be seen like this.

Shadow pulled the blonde towards him, kissing him deeply. "I'm so sorry."

He couldn't do that. Even with Vio claiming he wanted to die, he didn't, he just wanted to...stop living. Shadow could never hurt him.

But he couldn't stay away from him, either.

"Vio," Shadow said.

He looked at him.

"I'm so sorry, you're going to hate me, I'll never forgive myself, I—" Shadow could feel tears swell up in his eyes.

"Shadow, What are you talking about?"

A car pulled up in the driveway outside.

"I love you more than my own life, I'm so sorry, Vio."


He had a knife in his hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked, kinda regretting the whole, "I wish I was dead" thing. I wasn't serious, I don't think.

"I have to do this, for Mary, for myself, I...I love you."

He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him, I tripped, fell, I was on the floor. He brought the knife down and I don't know what took over me, but all of a sudden, I was struggling, I kicked him in the stomach, getting him off my me. I sc

He grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back, pushing me down again before straddling my lower half.

I remembered him doing that before Once, but he hadn't been trying to kill me then. Before I could try to get him off of me, the knife pierced through my skin, into my heart.

He had stabbed me in the back. Literally.

I screamed, hoping maybe, someone would hear me,

He twisted the knife, and I felt like I was dying, I was dying obviously, but this was torture, this was hell.

Brought upon me by my boyfriend.

My strength was fading.

"Shadow..." I said. That was thee one thing I could grasp. Him. Nothing but him, I was going to die. And I couldn't bring myself to be sad or angry or anything. "Shadow...Shadow...Shadow...Shadow...shad...ouch."


Vaati came home to a trashed living room, blood everywhere.

"What did you do?" He demanded.

I stayed silent, looking at the scratches on my arms.

The gash in my shoulder was going to scar up, that was for sure.

I'd let it. I'd keep it as a reminder for the lives I mercilessly ended.

"This was the last one?" He got closer to my boyfriend, laying in the ground limp, eyes closed. He kicked him in the ribs, and I felt like I was in pain.

"He's dead. They're all dead."

He laughed, and I shivered at the pure amusement in his face. "You finally did it. You're almost done."

"Almost?!" I shouted. "I'm almost done?! No, I killed all four of them and Zelda is broken beyond repair, she ran away from home not too long ago. And even if I wasn't done, I would not be able to finish! I...I'm done."

"No, you're not," he laughed. "You're supposed to kill all of the Links, all of the heroes. You killed the crimson one, the blue one, the violet one, and the green one. Do you follow?"

"No, is there some fifth one I don't know about?"

He grinned and it took me a minute to realize what I just said.

"Poor Shadow Link. Had to kill his boyfriend to keep his sister safe, and now he's never going to see her again! How sad."

"You didn'" Vaati smiled at my horror.

"Farewell, Shadow Link."

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