Literally Dying

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Hadn't Zelda said something about me being a Link too?



Alright then.

Thanks for condemning me.

"So, you can either finish the job, or I will."


"I don't think I can take care of her, I've been tracking down your mother for awhile, and she wants custody. No harm will come to your beloved sister."

I deserve this.

I shoved the knife into my chest before deciding it wasn't fast enough. I dragged the blade across my wrists too.

Vio, my Vio, had died by my own hands, I deserved hell.

And no doubt, that was where I was going.

They were there, standing up, looking down at me, I was laying in my back.

Red was holding hands with Blue, staring at me with a myriad of emotions in his eyes. He was deathly pale and looked sick, and there was bruises around his throat.

Blue pulled the boy closer when I opened my eyes, using his left hand to hold Red and the right one to wipe the blood that leaked out of his mouth away occasionally. He was angry, and I couldn't blame him.

Green stared at me, also looking angry and betrayed. If Blue and Vio had communicated how they had died, then no doubt, he would have figured out I had cross dressed and killed him. The cut on his neck oozed blood all over his clothing, a green tunic I noted.

We were all wearing tunics. And wasn't that the way it should be.

Vio looked emotionless, blood staining his clothes through the wound I gave him. I wanted to get in my knees and beg him for forgiveness, which I didn't deserve. Maybe I had a good reason; but I did a bad thing, I deserved to be in hell, not whatever blank place I was in with them.

I was surprised when Vio offered me a hand to help me up.

I didn't accept it, I didn't deserve it, I got up in my own.

There was a beat of silence before he pulled me closer towards him, breathing heavily.

"You could have said something. We could have figured something out."

I remained silent.

He kissed me in the mouth, not caring that the other three were there and watching all my moves, probably to make sure I didn't lay a finger on him.

I wanted to rip every last one of mine off for what I had done. To him, to Green, to Blue, to Red, to Zelda, to everyone.

"We saw." Green was the one who spoke up. "Everything, I mean. And we...we know now."

"I'm sorry. I had to though, I could not have not done that if it was wrong."

"Yeah, But Shadow," Red said. "You let us live the other times!"

"I didn't have anything to lose," I spat out. "I did this time."

Blue looked at me, pretty much stared through me, wiping more blood away.

My fault...all my fault.

I felt blood dripping from my wrists and from my chest.

"Do you realize what's going to happen next?" Blue asked.


Vio smiled. "I'm kinda not the only one who's been keeping secrets."

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