Living Now, Apparently

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By no means was it as serious, it wasn't going to kill him but, still...that wasn't good.

At all.

I don't know how but in my hand was a diamond shaped shard of the Dark Mirror.

I showed it to Shadow, who went silent.


I shrugged and placed it in my lover's palm, closing his fingers around it. "I love you..."

The love of my life...who had gone through so much. "You need to track down Zelda, she knows. She'll see this, she'll figure something out...she'll help."

"Help me do what?"

"She'll tell you that."

He sighed and my heart ached because I wanted to hold him, to tell him I loved him, that nothing would tear him apart from me.

But once again, it was happening. We were going to be separated. He had to do this, and I had to met them, for the good of Hyrule, for what had become of Hyrule. For all those innocent lives that could end.

"How am I going to...?" His image started to flicker, he'd be alive soon. He'd start breathing.

"What if I fail, Vio? Because I'll find a way to botch this up. Watch."

I smiled. "If you succeed, you'll keep living. You'll bring peace to this place we live in that isn't the kingdom we lived in. If you fail...I'll be waiting here for you." I was not going to cry, not in front of the others. I loved him so much, and I felt hurt because I loved him, because he was leaving again, because he had hurt me.

He looked at me. "Then I want to fail! I'm not a hero! I don't stand a—"

"Love, you have to try. I think you can do this, I know you can. Just find her, it'll be okay, I—"

He vanished.

I tried to calm my breathing when I realized he wasn't going to flicker back. I wanted to give him hell over what he had done, but at the same could I?

Green placed a hand onto my shoulder, an act trying to console me. But I didn't want his hand on my shoulder.

I wanted Shadow's hand on my shoulder. I wanted him to be placing his hands everywhere on my body he could reach while he whispered how much I meant to him, how much he loved me, how he would always love me.

But that wouldn't happen.


My eyes opened. I wasn't surrounded by the people I had killed, instead I lied down on dirt and rocks, thorns dug into my skin and my clothing was torn. I was bleeding in too many places, my wrists had healed though. How I wasn't sure.

The wound in my chest was still there, and I think a rib was broken. I could see something not too far away.

A staircase. Descending to where I was now, ascending into a busy street.

Every movement sent waves of pain and pure agony into my body, but I chose to get up.

I struggled to my feet and limped slowly to the  staircase. I out my hands in my pockets, trying to ignore my wanting to pass out.

I still had my phone on me.

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