Part 2

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Natsu POV

The tears were still flowing from my eyes as we walked away. I didn't know what to do. I was stuck. I would have to face my friends like this. Lucy would never accept my feelings for her. I would never have kids. Not unless I... no! I'm a man! I think...

"If it makes you feel any better, you look really cute as a girl, Natsu." Said Gray.

"Really?" I sniffled as I looked up.

"Yeah, you look great," he said.

"Thanks," I rested my head on his shoulder. "You're not so bad yourself." He goes really red.

"T-Thanks, Natsu," he stuttered. Jeez, it was just a complement. No need to get all flustered.

"Hey, if it's okay with you, can I stay at your place?" I asked. "I just don't want Happy to see me and tell everyone."

"Sure," he responded. He then got really nervous. "But you're not sleeping with me okay!"

"What made you think I was thinking of that?!" I responded. I thought he was talking about the sex kind of 'sleeping together.' "You pervert!"

"I didn't mean it like that!" A small part of me was disappointed. He was really hot after all.

"Oh. Well, I won't do either with you."

"Is that good?" He asked.

"Depends on what you wanted..." I answered in a slightly seductive voice.

"G-Gah! Natsu! What the hell are ya saying?!"

"I don't know!" I answered. "Something just came over me! Anyway, we're here!" I laughed nervously.

"Yeah, let's head inside." He was giving me a weird look. It was a look of intrigue, but also a look of lust. Did he... like me?

"Damn," Said Gray. "I smell awful. I'm gonna go take a shower."

"See you in a bit."

As I jumped onto his couch, my boobs bounced a little. Ugh, these things are so annoying. I wish I could get them off. That being said, they look great. I decided to squeeze one. I don't know why, but I did.

"Ohh!" I moaned involuntary as the pleasure came shooting through me. It was unlike anything I'd ever felt before. I started to rub them harder. My hand subconsciously went to my vagina. The second I touched it the pleasure erupted through me. It was amazing. I wanted to penetrate, but... something just felt wrong.

"N-NATSU?! WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM?!?!?!?" I look up and see Gray mstanding there naked. Not normal 'Gray naked' but full naked. His dick was standing out, nothing to block it. Whoa. He's huge. Gotta admit, he's really sexy. I want to eat that up...

"GAH! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to!" I ran out of his room.

Time skip

"We're going to have to show the guild tonight," said Gray.

"Why?" I asked. "I don't want them to see me like this."

"They're gonna have to see you like that at some point."

"I guess..." I started to think about my current situation. It still made me really sad to think about. "But why tonight?"

"No time like the present."

"Yeah... what should I wear?"

"Don't know. It's your outfit, you choose."

"Fine." I felt a little sad. Awww. I wanted him to change with me. Whoa. Where did that come from?

Time skip

"Okay, how's this?" I asked Gray as I walked into his room.

"Y-You look great." He responded. I was wearing my normal outfit, I just used a binding spell on it so it wouldn't show my boobs. (See above). "Just don't let it slip."

"Hey!" I said. "You know I won't." As I said this, I noticed that Gray had a nosebleed. Was I that good looking?

Time skip

"Are you sure about this?" I asked one more time. We were standing in front of the guild hall, about to go in.

"We have to," replied Gray. "You have to face them, and if they don't accept the new you, we can beat them up."

"I guess you're right..." We opened the door to the guild hall, and walked inside.

The Pink Flames (fem!natsu x Gray)Where stories live. Discover now