Part 10

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Natsumi POV

"How do you want to tell them?" I asked as we approached the guild.

"They'll just have to find out. No point in bragging." Gray said.

"Okay. I love you so much." As I said that, Happy opened the door.

"Did I just hear what I thought I heard?" He asked coyly.

"Yes, you did." Gray said.

Happy seemed in a state of shock. "I- uh, wasn't expecting that. I'm gonna tell everybody in the guild!"

"There goes 'letting them find out'." Gray said exasperatedly. We walked in the hall to hear Happy yelling.

"Natsu and Gray are dating!" Everyone stared at him.

"Yeah, we know." Cana said. Me and Gray were really confused. "Juvia came back yesterday and she wouldn't shut up about it." Me and Gray went white.

"She was there?!" I screamed. Juvia nodded. I ran up to her. "I'm sorry! It's just that he's really cute, and my hormones are weird ever since the change, and I-" Juvia cut me off by hugging me.

"I'm happy to see that Gray found someone that he truly cares for." She said. She leaned in close and whispered; "But if you hurt him, I will kill you." She backed away with a smile on her face. She seemed content with what she had said.

Everyone in the guild was silent, not really knowing what to say. Gray decided to break the silence. "So, it's official," he started. "Me and Natsumi are dating." He pulled me close. "And I have a feeling that it's gonna be for a long time." The whole guild started cheering and a classic fairy tail party was started.

Me and Gray spent the majority of the party together. At one point, Lucy managed to snag me away from him, though.

"Can I ask you a serious question?" She asked.

"Sure." I replied.

"How long do you think it'll last?" She was definitely a little drunk. "It's your first serious relationship. Who knows how long it'll take before it's over." Maybe she was still harboring a hope that we could get together.

"I don't know," I said. "I'm new to this. I'm hoping it's forever. I really do love him."

"Really?" She slurred. She was totally drunk. "You don't wanna try dating around a little?" She suddenly took on a more serious demeanor. "Not even with a certain blonde friend of yours?" It suddenly all came together.

"Lucy, I- I didn't realize that you..." I couldn't find the right words. "That you still had feelings for me. I thought that you're with Loke. And... to be completely honest... I don't even know if I like girls anymore." Lucy seemed completely sober now. "Do you really still have feelings for me?"

"I don't know." She replied. "I don't know if these are real feelings or just remnants of what I used to feel. I might still love you. I don't really know." I gave her a comforting hug.

"To be completely honest with you, I think I still love you too. It's just that I love Gray more. When I'm with him, everything seems perfect."

"Well, I hope it works out. He's a really nice guy." She released from the hug and stood up for a toast. "To Natsumi And Gray!" She shouted. Everyone repeated her. "May they share their love for eternity." Everyone cheered as Gray passionately kissed me.

Remember when I said being turned into a girl was the worst thing that could ever happen to me?

I lied.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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