Part 4

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Gray POV

Jesus. She was almost raped. And by a member of our own guild, no less. I hope she's okay. She's not ready to even accept her own feelings. She would be broken if someone forced that on her. Gah! She hugged me! She's warm... And hot. I don't want her to let go...

Natsu POV

We stayed together for a long time. "Thank you. Thank you so much!" I was crying.

"Stop that right now!" We turn around to see Erza staring at us. She looked shocked. "Oh... I thought you two were fighting. What happened?"

"This guy, he came up to me asking to go to the back and 'get to know him better.'" I replied. "I said no, and then he paralyzed me with a weird spell. He... he tried to rape me!" I started to cry again. "But Gray stepped in and saved me."

"Hmm, well we must tell master Makarov," Said Erza. "This man must be punished for what he has done."

"Thanks a lot, Erza," I said. "And you too Gray. I owe you a million." I gave him a little peck on the cheek. He goes so red that I'm fairly certain he could have melted his own ice magic.

"N-No p-problem, Natsu..." he seemed unable to function.

"I'm gonna go home. It's been a long day." I said

"Alright. Bye!" Said Erza. Gray was still frozen. Was my kiss that bad?

Time Skip

As I walked through the door, Happy jumped on me.

"Natsu!" He cried. "Why were you..." he looked at my body. "What happened to you?!" I ran him through what happened.

"So I'm stuck like this."

"Dang, that sucks." He replied. "Well, goodnight!" He was as bright and chipper as ever.

"You're not... I don't know... concerned?"

"Natsu, we live in a world of magic and monsters. Things like this probably happen all the time. Remember that time when we switched bodies?"

"Yeah... I guess you're right. Goodnight then." The thought that this sort of thing  is probably kind of common made me feel better.

Time skip (again)

"Guys, I have a great idea!" Lucy declared as we were lounging around the hall. I was in a better mood today. I was starting to adapt. That being said, Gray looked inexplicably hot. "Let's go back to that resort!"

"The last time we went there, we got jumped by Ezra's friends." Gray states.

"True, but it's a nice place, and we owe ourselves some time off."

"Yeah, I guess you're right,"

"And Natsu." Erza piped up. "You need new clothes. You can't wear the same clothes every day."

"But that's what I always do." I whined.

"No buts! You're a woman. That sort of thing is not acceptable."

"I'm not a girl!"

"You are now. Now come on, we're going to the clothing store."

Time skip

"Is this one good?" I asked exasperatedly. We had been at the shop for 4 hours, and I had no outfits.

"No," Erza replied.


"Too tight."

"They're all too tight!"

"Go pick another one."

"Fine." I just wanted to go home. I came out of the changing room with a tank top that had a ton of cleavage and showed my midriff, along with latex tights that were really tight. "Is this good?" I knew it wasn't.

"Perfect," I was really confused. Is the seriously how girls buy clothes? "Actually... I know!"

"What is it that you know?" I asked as she started shifting through the racks of accessories. I was hoping she wasn't getting a new set of clothes.

"Here!" She handed me a choker with a little heart on it. "This'll finish it off."

"Do I have to?" I asked looking at it. "It's really girly."

"Put it on or you'll have no neck to put it on."

Lucy POV

I was nearly crying. I had feelings for him, but now I can't love him.

"Hey, are you okay?" Gray asked as he walked up to me. "You look... sad."

No point in hiding the truth anymore. "I...liked Natsu. I thought we could start something, you know? But... he's a girl now. I wanted to love him, but I can't!" I started to cry.

"Damn, that really sucks." He was being weirdly nice. "Is there any way I can help?"

"You can have her." At least she could be happy.

"W-What?" He was incredibly confused.

"She likes you. Just take her. Make her happy for me."  The words were hard to get out.

"I-I'm gonna g-go," I sighed as he walked away. They'll get together. I'll make sure.

"Hey, I heard what happened," I turned around to see Loke behind me. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you."

"Thanks," I said, happy to have someone to talk to. "Wait, are you trying to pick me up?"

"That's a very rude way of saying it," he said. "But yes, would you like to go out?"

"Well, under any other circumstances, I'd say no, but seeing that today is pretty sucky, I'll say yes."

"Oh, I wasn't expecting that, but let's go!"

We walked out of the guild hall together. And if you're wondering, the date ended up at my place.

The Pink Flames (fem!natsu x Gray)Where stories live. Discover now