What the Hell Am I Thinking?

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[Warning!!! the beginning of this story is terrible and kind of awkward but I swear it gets better after this chapter!!]

Connor's POV

So I was driving home from doing a bunch of running around and doing errands like I usually do, when I received a text from the one and only Troye Sivan.

Troye: haayyy:)

Me: hellooo

Troye: so im at ty's and we are doing a livestream. we were wondering if you wanted to come join us??

I was pretty exhausted when he asked me. Nothing sounded better than going to sleep, but I don't see Troye that often because of the whole living on opposite sides of the world thing. So I obliged.

When I looked down at my phone to text him back, he already spammed me with more texts.

Troye: pleaseeeee connor

Troye: the fans wanna know

Troye: and tyler and I want you to come ofc

Troye: connor???

He didn't know I was driving and I couldn't text back right away, but damn it had only been a couple minutes. His impatience and persistence is annoying, but also kind of endearing. Finally I just texted back before he blew up my phone with a million other messages.

Me: sure, im on my way. make me some coffee.

Troye: okay bae ;)

I couldn't help but get the feeling that Troye liked me, but I always had my doubts since I usually get the flirty side of Tyler whenever we hang around, and we were just friends. So maybe it was just the same thing with Troye... right?

Oh, and them secretly dating could have some sort of factor in how Troye felt about me, I don't know.

Everyone knows that Troye and Tyler are gay and very much open about it. And I am and always have been straight, but I'm very open when it comes to relationships. If I found someone that I really liked and wanted to spend my life with them that so happened to be a guy, I'd be okay with that. But, I have never had that experience with another guy.

Well... I mean.. Sometimes when I looked at Troye, I couldn't help but get butterflies in my stomach. He truly was one of a kind. Not only was he sweet, funny, and a huge dork(which only made him even more charming) he was so talented. On top of that, he was pretty attractive. I guess I never really thought about it, but he was actually very good looking.

Sometimes I would catch myself staring at him and admiring certain parts of him when he didn't notice, but I guess it hasn't really crossed my mind. He had big blue eyes, dark, curly hair, and his lips. My god his lips. They were perfect shaped and his bottom lip was just a little bit bigger than his top, making me curious about what it would feel like to lick and tug on it with my tee-

Oh my god, what is wrong with me? Troye was one of my really good friends, who is dating another one of my good friends. Why was I thinking about him this way?

I had spent too much time in my own thoughts, thankfully I was near Tyler's apartment.

When I pulled in and headed towards his place I was trying to shake off whatever thoughts I had about Troye off and hopefully I'll be fine when I get some coffee in my system.

I'm just hoping that maybe I'm having these thoughts because I haven't slept in a while and can't think straight right now(no pun intended).

I knocked on the door and of course it was Troye that answered while Tyler was sitting on the floor talking to his laptop.

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