The First Time

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**Smut Warning**



Troye's POV


I felt bad for being such a bitch to Connor when he didn't even do anything wrong. I was just so irritated with everything going on, and I was starting to realize that this had all been for nothing. This whole time I've been staying at his place he hasn't kissed me or anything, and he hasn't shown any interest in being in a relationship with me. What if all of this was just for fun to him, and when I leave to go home he'll move on and forget about me? What if this was all for nothing?

When I get home to Australia, Tyler could tell the whole world why we broke up, and what I had done. Everyone would take his side obviously, because who would pick sides with a cheater? He would leave out all the reasons why I did what I did, and focus on me being a terrible person. After tonight, I could lose all of my friends I have made in the past couple of years, because of course they would back up Tyler. I was the newest, the awkward quiet one, and lived on the other side of the world, so I would have to go. I would lose most of my viewers, get a way more hate than I usually do, and my career in the youtube/music industry will be ruined.

At least then it would seem more okay if I had Connor by my side to help get me through it, but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen. The thing is that Connor made his way to the top by himself, and he has been friends with the others way longer than I have. He has nothing to worry about, because there's always a possibility that Tyler might forgive him. Basically 'bros before hoes' while I stay and rot in Australia.

You did this all for a stupid boy, way to go Troye.


I went off on him, telling him exactly how I felt trying not to cry. I hate showing when I'm upset, and I hate feeling vulnerable. I was already scrawny compared to most, and I was far from strong, so the best I can do is be strong hearted and not let people effect my emotions. At least not show them how much it affects me. I cry so much when I'm alone, but only a selected number of people have actually seen me cry. I would rather have a whole stadium of people see me naked than a single person see me cry. That's how much I hate crying in front of people.

The plan didn't really seem to work out, because in the middle of my speech to Connor I started tearing up. I turned away and tried to look at something else, trying my hardest not to blink and let the tears stream down my face. I felt a lump in my throat as I was trying to continue on my little rant to him, and both my throat and mouth started to feel dry. He could probably tell how upset I was getting because my voice would not stop cracking from trying so hard not to cry.

...and that's when he kissed me.

I stood still for a moment, taking in what was happening. Finally, I loosened up and started kissing him back passionately. I could feel the tears that I was trying to avoid a few seconds earlier cascade down my face as I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He stopped for a moment and looked at me, bringing his hands up to the side of my face, and wiping the tears off of my cheeks with his thumbs as he leaned forward and kissed me again.

He broke our kiss and started kissing underneath my jawbone and down my neck. I let out a strained moan when he found my weak spot. He must have known that it was because after that he started to suck and bite vigorously at it, causing my legs to go weak.

He then slid his hands down and in between my thighs, conveniently groping my ass on their way down. He hoisted me up and naturally I wrapped my legs around his waist. He then placed his hands back on my ass as he starts to kiss me again.

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