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The theatre is the only institution in the world that has been dying for thousands of years and has never succumbed. It requires tough and devoted people to keep it alive. And Eddie Kaspbrak was just that person. He lived and breathed theatre. It was the only extracurricular his mother would let him do because what's the worst that could happen in theatre? Strain your voice a little too hard?

Eddie thrives off attention, he adored it. Thousands of eyes on him eating up the hard work and devotion he put into his practice. Despite practically running the program Eddie had never been a lead role. He was apart of most of the main casts but never top dog.
Today he wanted to change that.

He stood perched happily on the stage script in hand. Eddie read it over, memorized his cold reading with dexterity. He had to sell it perfectly. And he planned on doing so. Eddie looked up from his paper and scanned the crowd. He recognized a majority of the faces, previous cast members cheering him on silently with their grins of approval. Eddie took a deep breath and strut out onto center stage.
"Hello my name is Eddie Kaspbrak, I'm seventeen years old and I will be auditioning for Ann Deever."

A murmur erupted throughout the crowd. A boy playing a female role was virtually unheard of in their little town of Derry. But this was theatre and Eddie knew he wasn't cut out for any of the lead male roles, he wanted Ann.
Their theatre teacher held up a finger silencing the whispering crowd. He leaned forward excitedly in his seat.
"Alright Eddie, show us what you got." He announced rubbing his hands together.

Eddie smiled briskly then cleared his throat.
"I'd like you to tell Chris that Larry is dead! And that you know it." He began envisioning the scene before him.
"You understand me?" Eddie demanded picturing a broken wicked woman before him. Eddie took a heavy breath like the air hurt to breathe, "I'm not going out of here alone, there's no life for me that way."

Eddie's face previewed a desperate expression.
"I want you to set him free! And then I promise you, everything will end and we'll go away! And.." He trailed off biting his lip.
"That's all." Eddie finished his eyes fluttering against the bright stage lights a burn he became accustomed to.
"I know what I'm asking, Kate. You had two sons, but you only got one now!" He cried hugging himself.
"Larry is dead Kate." Eddie said in a hushed voice but loud enough for the audience to hear him.

He whirled around pain evident in his movements.
"I said he's dead!" Eddie cried.
"I know! He crashed off the coast of China November twenty fifth!" Eddie scoped the audience catching the intent gazes of many. He thrived off it.

Eddie surged forward grasping his shirt dramatically, wringing the fabric in his grip.
"His engine didn't fail him, but he died." He choked out. "I loved him. You know I loved him! Would I have looked at anyone else if I wasn't sure?" Eddie demanded with a heavy sigh.

He hung his head then looked up speaking in a calmer voice.
"You've got to understand, I came to.. I hoped, I thought I would show it to you. Only if there was no other way to settle Larry in your mind." Eddie ran his fingers through his hair.
"He wrote it to me just before he.. I'm not trying to hurt you Kate!" He empathized.

Eddie leered near the edge of the stage staring across the audience the stage lights warming him.
"I've been so lonely! I can't leave here alone again! You made me show it to you." Eddie hugged himself then dropped his arms again to his sides.
"You wouldn't believe me! I told you a hundred times, why wouldn't you believe me?" He dropped his head, chest rising and falling with exasperation. Eddie paused for effect then jerked his head up with a smile,
"Thank-you." He called out as the crowd began clapping wildly for his performance.

Eddie was the last audition as he scampered off stage his friend Beverly swarmed him her face broke into an ecstatic smile.
"Eddie! That performance was electric! You're for sure cut out for Ann!" She squealed shaking Eddie excitedly. He laughed and pushed the doors to the theatre open.
"And with you up in that booth running things this show is going to be spectacular!" Eddie squealed practically oozing with excitement.

Beverly hung onto his arm as they made their way into the cafeteria. The schools drama teacher Mr. Manski would have a quick meeting with the stage manager before making any casting decisions. Bev slid into a seat and grinned beaming up at Eddie who couldn't sit still.
He paced the length of the table and back multiple times, he eventually sat down but his foot tapped madly.
"I'm so nervous.." He exclaimed taking a swig from the water bottle he brought along.

Beverly reached across the table clasping his hand in her own.
"Don't be.. You're made for this role." She eased Eddie with her soft gaze a sweet smile tugging her lips.
Eddie sighed and rested his head on the table when the room went eerily silent. Eddie's head shot up, casting a look over his shoulder.
Mr. Manski stood proudly with a clipboard in hand.
"Are you ready my little cherubs?" He called out rapping his pen against the metal.

The room erupted in cheers.
He grinned and they silenced. Eddie was on the edge of his chair eyes wide and mouth agape. He listed off ensemble and most of the minor roles before getting to the two leads.
Eddie hadn't been casted yet, he was bouncing with nerves.
"For the role of Ann, our very own Eddie!"
He announced as the class clapped respectfully.
Eddie felt his heart surge he couldn't believe he'd really gotten his first lead and the main character. Beverly clapped madly and scampered off into the crowd mingling with the other Tech kids. Mr. Manski silenced them with a finger.

He read off the next lead. Eddies love interest.
"For the role of Chris, our very own Jonathan!" Mr. Manski announced. Once again cheers and applause erupted. Silence fell over the crowd and Jonathan stood up his face distorted.

"I decline." He called out with a frown. "Ann shouldn't be played by a boy." Jonathan shifted uncomfortably then cast a look at Eddie who's face was grim.
"I'm not kissing one either." He added venomously.

Mr. Manski cleared his throat.
"Alright. We don't have any understudy would anyone else like to play Chris?" He announced to the crowd scoping the many faces of the students.
Eddie shrunk in on himself, he was partially glad he got rid of Jonathan but now who else was going to be his Chris?
Mr. Manski squinted his eyes and pointed a finger.
"Who's that? Who's hand is that?"

A shrill familiar voice called out.
"Richie Tozier sir!" The voice of Beverly Marsh.

Eddie whipped around pain bleak on his face. He spotted Bev who had Richie locked at the elbow waving his hand madly as he tried to escape her clutches. They made eye contact and it all came rushing back.
Eddie felt his stomach flip.
Hell. Fucking. No.

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