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Eddie roamed the halls of Derry High, his hands encasing a tinfoil covered plate. The school was deserted beside the couple sport camps and band activities that went on over break.

Eddie chuckled softly to himself, The Arts were not for the faint of heart.
Meaning, they could never truly catch a break. Constantly coming in everyday after school, practicing over their 'break'.
It was exhausting, yet exhilarating all the same.

Eddie was dropping by to give Mr. Manski some of the apple pie he, Bev and Stan baked yesterday. Mostly as an apology for his off put behavior recently, it was both stressful for the cast and director to have one of their leads disconnected from the project.

And Eddie had been completely disconnected. Moping around stage, and putting out half assed performances.
Eddie caught sight of his teacher and smiled.He raised his hand in greeting waving as he advanced toward Mr. Manski. Eddie opened his mouth to call out to him when his face suddenly fell, a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.

A feeling like he was being watched..
On high alert, Eddie slowly began to turn around, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end.

Before Eddie could prevent it, a hand was encased around his mouth, dragging Eddie into an empty hallway. Eddie tried to scream but the grip his attacker had on him only tightened.
Why me! Eddie thought pitifully and really tried to struggle away. He fought back against his assaulter, kicking and knocking his head back against flesh. Eventually Eddies treatment became too much of a hassle for the person and they released him.

Eddie scrambled away gasping for air his chest heaving dramatically. He scoot backwards on the dirty school floors, staring fearfully up into a grinning face.
It sent chills down his spine, the grin looked animalistic, like a predator licking its jaws before it feasted on its prey.

Eddie finally recognized through blurry eyes who it was and what kind of danger he was in. He forced his wobbling legs to stand and stared back at the boy. "R-Ricky.. Fuck off! Leave me alone you creep!" He shouted hoarsely.

Ricky shoved his bruising hands deep into the pockets of his letterman jacket.
"I had to find some way to get you alone! You're always surrounded.." He scoffed eyes flickering up to meet Eddies scorching gaze then falling down to stare at the floor.

"What do you want?" Eddie sniffed, still shaken up from the harsh treatment he was put through. He felt real fear in that moment, that someone was out to hurt him. Eddie still felt fear standing in front of him. Scared that at any second he could snap and really show him a world of pain.

Ricky licked his lips and advanced toward Eddie making him fall back a few steps to keep some space between them. Ricky noticed this and scoffed again, this time there was force behind his words.
"I want you to give me another chance." He said in a demanding tone, his eyes boring holes into Eddie.

Eddie stood his ground. His face hardened and he clenched his fists at his side, ready to defend himself if push came to shove.
"No." He spat out glaring the boy down.

Ricky matched his glare, his face darkening. He eventually broke eye contact and heaved a dry laugh before slinking toward Eddie once more.
"Will you hear me out?" Ricky begged waving his hands around in a threatening motion.

Eddie jumped backwards and began to feel panic rise in him.
"No. I don't like you, I will never like you, this isn't going to happen." He spit out quickly, finding himself nearly stumble over his words. His nerves were on high alert.

Ricky sucked in a breath his shoulders hunching up. His nostrils flared and his face began to redden quickly like a ripe tomato. Rickys hand flew out making Eddie flinch instantly but it landed pointedly in the middle of his chest.
"You're a prude, and a stuck up bitch." He seethed jabbing Eddie forcefully in the chest as he said so.

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