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Eddie pulled the cast hoodie over his head drowning in the warmth the fabric brought him. He spun around admiring himself momentarily in the full length mirror hung on his bedroom door.

Eddie sighed and grabbed the door handle swinging it open. He headed for the kitchen his stomach grumbling. Eddie felt his skin itch, he slept restlessly last night. Eddies plan of keeping the upper hand on Richie was declining fast he couldn't shake the thought of him last night.

It frustrated him to no end.
Eddies fists balled at his side, a sudden flare of anger rising in him. If Richie honesty thought he could just retake his spot in Eddies life he was sorely mistaken. "God, no. I'm blowing things out of proportions.." Eddie mumbled to himself popping a bagel in his toaster.

Richie was just being friendly, he wasn't trying to weasel back into his life.
Eddie crossed the kitchen digging around in his fridge for cream cheese. His lips pursed, his grip on the cream cheese tightening. Richie didn't deserve Eddies kindness. He didn't deserve his friendship either.

Eddie sighed jumping near out of his skin as the toaster popped up.
He spread the cream cheese across the bagel and stuck it in his mouth, heading out the front door quickly snagging his keys off the hook positioned perfectly at the door.

He tore his teeth into the bagel as he pulled out of his driveway. Eddie began his route to the coffee shop, Beverly had made plans for them to meet up for a coffee and chat. And Eddie would never turn down caffeine.

Eddie pulled into the café's cramped parking lot running his fingers through his auburn hair before climbing  out of the comfort of his car. The crisp morning air soothed his worries. The thought of Richie plaguing his mind blending into the distance the closer he got to the café. Eddie tugged the door open a bell jingling softly overhead as he entered.

With a grin he scoped the room for Bev. Eddie felt himself tense up, his heart beginning to beat madly in his chest. Just ahead of him sat a fidgeting boy, mug in hand and eyes nervously darting around the room.

Eddie felt behind him for the doorknob ready to make a mad dash back to his car but he had already been spotted.
Richie offered a small smile and Eddie groaned. "Fucking Christ." He muttered under his breath and stomped toward the other boy.
"What are you doing here?" Eddie demanded cocking a brow suspiciously at the other boy who brought the mug to his lips tentatively taking a small sip.

Richie licked the foam off his lips and carefully placed his mug down in front of him.
"I'm waiting on Bev." He replied in a thick voice. Richie shifted uncomfortably in his presence but gestured to the seat in front of him for Eddie to sit at.

Eddie rolled his eyes and slipped into the seat in front of him resting his head in his hands, "Mm.. Me too." Eddie grumbled shaking his head staring off into the distance to avoid the awkward eye contact.

Richie nodded off gawking at the artwork surrounding the tiny café before his eyes snapped back to Eddies. The boys jaw dropped his brows knitting, "She-she."
Eddie sucked on his teeth and clapped his hands on the table, "Set us up, yep!" He grumbled agitatedly.  Richie shook his head of curls in disapproval but Eddie caught the slight smile tugging his lips. Eddie pricked at that, his shoulders going rigid with a newfound anger.

"I'm gonna just get a coffee to go." Eddie said through clenched teeth hopping off the high barstool.
A hand jutted out catching the crook of Eddies arm in its hold. Eddie whirled around bewildered.

Richie stared back at him with big blue eyes, his face torn, "Maybe we should use this time to.. Catch up?" He suggested his voice unsure.
Eddie felt in his heart to decline, but Richie was so damn hard to resist he nodded.
His presence was addictive. An addiction Eddie was finding hard to crack.

Eddie ordered his iced americano, Richie sticking with a hot chocolate and scone. And soon they were sitting silently across from each other, sipping their beverages in lapsed silence.

Richie opened his mouth just as Eddie began to speak, "How are you feeling about the play?" He asked curious to find out Richies answer. Eddie sipped on his iced coffee feeling his heart quicken as the caffeine pumped through his system. Or was it because of Richie's presence? No, definitely the coffee.

Richies face dropped his hand coming up to rub his temple. "To be honest with you?" He began with a sigh and a frown tugging his lips down.
"Horrible. I'm not used to this acting stuff you know? I'm always in booth, I run the lights and I've been perfectly fine with that!" He stressed.
Eddie nodded sympathetically.
A small part of him cringed, he was scared Richies inexperience would affect his performance.

Eddie shoved the selfish thought away and reached across the table. Richie gawked at his intruding hand and Eddie quickly retracted realizing his actions. "Mm.. I know how you feel, but once you get over the jitters it'll come to you." Eddie mumbled and took a swig of his drink to avoid saying anything stupid.

Richie continued to stare at the spot Eddies hand had been a moment ago and slowly reached his own out. Eddie took a sharp intake of breath, his eyes flickered from Richies outstretched hand to his sparkling eyes.
There was something hiding behind those pools of blue and Eddie felt his heart break a little all over again. He was so fucking confusing and it made his head whirl!
"Thanks Eddie. Listen I-" Richie began his cheeks a rosy hue.

Eddie got to his feet before Richie could continue his sentiment. "This was nice Rich, we should meet here again to run over lines. I like the..." Eddie tore his eyes away from Richies hurt face and instead opted to wave his hand around the room. "Atmosphere.. It's calming." He finished pulling his jacket tightly around his shoulders fleeing from the overwhelming conversation before he said anything he'd regret.

"Eddie?" Richies broken voice called out a hand planting itself on Eddies shoulder.
Eddie huffed and rounded on him his eyes slit, he sighed having to look up at Richie slightly to meet his gaze.
Richie scratched the back of his neck, "This was nice. I miss talking to you, you know." He mumbled sincerely making Eddie flash with rage.
He hated how it made his heart leap in his chest, how Richie made him feel.
Eddie blinked, even after all the damage he's done to his poor heart it still felt like it would only beat for him.

Eddie nodded curtly and took off his brain a whirlwind of emotions as he made the trek back to his car.

This was short but I have super long ass chapters coming up smh

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