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Eddie was embarrassed, no.
Eddie was beyond embarrassed. He couldn't wrap his head around why Beverly would betray him like that, and for a second time!

Eddie was laid up on the couch a blanket wrapped tightly around him as he watched Jeopardy. He tried focusing on the television but every time his mind would stray to that awkward coffee date. Eddie shot up his pulse beginning to race, was that a date? He shook his head to be rid the thought and ran a hand down his face.

The phone line began to ring.
Eddie huffed dreading getting up from the warm blanket cocoon he fashioned himself. He dragged himself to the kitchen pulling the phone down, "Kaspbrak residence." He mumbled into the phone hearing ruffling on the other side.
"Oh, Eddie! Gimmie a minute I was sewing some costume pieces together.." Beverlys voice sprung out on the other line.

Eddies face dropped and he was ready to give Bev hell.
"How could you do that to me? First you cast him as my love interest then fucking parent trap us. What the hell are you trying to do to me?" He demanded agitatedly.
"I'm sorry Eddie I was just looking out for the good of the play, we can't have our leads at each others throats." Her voice was sweet practically dripping with honey. Eddie however wasn't an idiot, he knew women's ways. They could get anything their heart desires if they put on that voice. And damn it, it worked.

Eddie sighed heavily resting his head against the wall his eyes fluttered closed. "Okay.." He replied meekly his tough guy facade dropping instantly. Eddie wasn't the confrontational type anyway. Hell, he was a 5'6 flamboyant little queer guy he wasn't scary. Eddie didn't even think a mouse would be scared of him.
"So are you coming over?" Bev's voice piped up once again.

Eddie stood up confused, "What?"
Beverly laughed then chided, "Come over! My aunts out of town so we'll have the place to ourselves. And a couple bottles of wine to ourselves as well." She offered tantalizingly.

Eddie hummed like he had to think about his answer before chuckling, "I'll be over in a minute I gotta get some stuff together. Sleepover?" He asked looking around him for his fannypack stuffed with his pill organizer.

"Sleepover." Beverly confirmed then the line went dead.

Eddie hated himself for being so forgiving. He had been hurt by Beverly, but he allowed her to get off without even a slap on the wrist. Eddie puffed up his chest, he wasn't going to let people walk all over him he decided.
"Okay, Meds, toothbrush, pillow, spare clothes, blanket.. All set." He counted off looking over the items stuffed in his overnight bag. Eddie zipped it up and slung the hefty bag over his shoulder.

He snagged his keys off the hook and made sure to lock the front door.
Eddie threw his bag in his passenger seat and cranked up his old car fumbling through the stations on the radio.
The drive over to Bev's aunts house was a stretch, she lived on the outskirts of Derry far away from..

Eddie pulled into the vacant driveway.
He pulled his bag up on his shoulder and walked up the steps of her porch. He reached to knock his fist hitting empty air as Bev tugged the door open flour dusted all over her front and a wide grin on her face.
"Eddie!" She laughed and went to pull him into a hug, Eddie moved out of the way quickly.

"Bev! You're covered in flour.." He grumbled pointing out her floury shirt with a concerned smile.
Beverly blinked before looking down at herself and snorting. "Whoops."
She grabbed Eddie by the arm and tugged him inside.

Eddie looked around the tidy home then his eyes caught sight of the disastrous kitchen. It looked like Bev had been trying to bake a cake or some sort however the ingredients made it  everywhere but in the bowl.
"Geez Bev, did a bomb go off?"
Beverly laughed dryly at his comment and tugged her sweater off, Eddie was unfazed but still adverted his eyes out of respect.

Eddie grabbed the bowl and looked at the array of ingredients. He fished the recipe out from under the mess and continued the baking process following where Bev had left off.
Cold hands inched around Eddies waist and Beverly rested her chin on his shoulder watching him.
"Thanks Eddie-dear." She teases pressing a quick peck to his forehead then began to clean up her mess.

Eddie and Bev made strawberry cupcakes and danced around her kitchen to Madonna.
Eddie sat on the floor eating a cupcake in silence. He got up from the floor licking icing off his lips. Beverly had disappeared to the bathroom without a word. Eddie began making his trip there when there was a knock on the door.
Eddie whirled around and walked toward the door suspiciously.
"Bev? You expecting anybody?" He called over his shoulder peeking through the blinds.

"Just a couple of friends Eddie!" She shouted from the bathroom.
Eddie opened the door and waved, "Hi Bev's friends." He laughed opening the door for the two.
Eddie recognized one out of the pair. Bill Denbrough or as the Derry Tigers called him 'Big Bill'. He was the star of Derry's baseball team. But the boy on his arm was what threw Eddie for a loop.

"Hi, I'm B-B-Bill. This is my.. Friend, Stanley." The ginger introduced them with a casual smile on his face.
Beverly emerged from the bathroom her makeup half done.
"Knock that friend shit off! Eddies gayer than Bowie, you can be honest!" She shouted teasingly then enveloped the boys in a warm hug.

Eddie wavered off to the side watching as they greeted eachother and made small talk. Stanley had a bowl of Jello in his arms.
Eddie came to his rescue and took it from him Stanley thanking him kindly. Eddie carried the Jello to the kitchen shoving it in the fridge for now.

Beverly met him in the kitchen and slapped a hand over his mouth before he could start bombarding her with questions.
"I'm havin' a lil party Eddie, we're only seventeen once and you need to liven up yourself." She explained in a whisper.
Beverly read the worry on his face and continued. "No. Richie won't be here." She confirmed and Eddie licked her hand making Beverly squeal and pull it off his mouth.

Eddie gave her a sour look before snorting with laughter. He knew deep down that Beverly meant well but this girl was going to be the death of him.

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