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Eddie sat on the bathroom counter watching as Beverly applied her makeup. It was therapeutic how the brush glided across her soft supple skin, Accentuating her features. Eddie sighed and ran a hand through his hair spiffing it up a little in the mirror.

Beverly had offered many times to do his makeup noting how he always watched when she would apply hers.
Eddie refused profusely, he was gay enough as is he didn't need to be bullied anymore. Beverly had done his makeup once before in the comforts of her aunts home and Eddie didn't want the pore clogging gunk on for much longer afterwards.

He worried too much, didn't have time to live when he was worried about getting germs in his skin or risking the chance of an infection.

Eddie slid off the counter and snagged a tube of Beverlys green apple lip gloss. It was the safe route, it stood out a lot less than a full face of makeup that's for sure. Eddie strolled into the kitchen surveying the array of snacks and beverages laid out. Guests would be bringing their own share to add onto their small buffet. For right now Eddie snacked on a bowl of pretzels.

Eddie carried the bowl into the living room sitting on the love seat opposite where Bill and Stan sat cozied up on the couch.
"How long have you two been together?" He asked nonchalantly, trying to make conversation. Eddie smiles and hoped they weren't the weird breed of Beverly's friends.

Stanley spoke up a wistful look on his face. "Two and a half years, we started dating freshman year." He explained with a small smile.
Eddie returned the smile respectfully and gave them a small round of applause. "Congrats, who says high school relationships don't last huh?" Eddie was an incredible actor but a really shitty people person. He couldn't hold a conversation to save his ass.

Stanley let out a forced laugh and Bill awkwardly smiled. Luckily, Bev came to his rescue.
She hopped on the loveseat draping herself like a cat across Eddie's lap. Her makeup done flawlessly. "I see you guys are getting on well, Stan wanna tell Eddie about your birds?" Beverly said while scooping up a handful of pretzels shoving them in her painted mouth happily.
"Oh G-G-God don't get him s-started.." Bill groaned paired with a pointed glare in Beverly's direction before Stanley shot off excitedly.

Stanley rambled on about his bird findings for what felt like hours.
Eddie didn't want to be rude but someone could only listen about chickadees and blue jays for so long. A quick cheery knock on the door ended his suffering.
Beverly leaped up gladly and opened the door squealing excitedly as she greeted her guests. Soon kids of all backgrounds flooded the home, bringing snacks and alcohol with them.

Eddie dispersed among the crowd finding a drink he could loosen himself up with.
He squeezed into the kitchen and looked over the assortment of alcohol.
Eddie was a mostly mixer and two percent alcohol kinda guy but that barely got you buzzed.

Eddie found himself reaching for the strong stuff, he gripped the neck of the bottle just as another pair of hands made their way around it. "Oh, sorry.." Eddie replied awkwardly letting the stranger handle the bottle he'd been reaching for.

The guy looked like a football player or he was definitely built like one.
"You're good man! Let me pour you a drink." The guy cackled and grabbed Eddies solo cup out of his grasp pouring it to the brim with Fireball.

Eddie stared down at the drink intimidated by its fullness. He looked up meeting the Football players eyes as he downed his own drink.
"Thanks." Eddie mumbled and took a long swig cringing as the liquid burnt horribly down his throat.

Eddie slammed the cup down on the table gasping for air.
The guy hollered and clapped him on the back, "Holy shit! What's your name?" He was already off his shit and didn't really care for personal boundaries crowding Eddie into the kitchen counter. It dug into his lower back painfully making Eddies teeth clench.

Eddie placed a hand on the boys chest and pushed him back a smidge. "It's Eddie, my names Eddie." He hiccuped out then laughed at the absurdness.

"I'm Ricky." He responded and extended his arm for a handshake.
Eddie laughed and shook his hand then Ricky pulled him into a rough hug making Eddie squirm around.
"Where have I seen you before Eddie?" Ricky inquired pouring more of the burning alcohol into he and Eddies cup.

Eddie watched, he hadn't really planned on drinking anymore but it would be rude to deny. He slowly took another drink this time a lot less eager. "Oh I'm in the school play, I play Anne." He spoke then became flustered. Eddie wasn't thinking about his target audience, some big football guy probably didn't give a shit if he was in theatre but probably would give a shit if he was playing a girl.

Ricky stared at him for a beat and Eddie felt himself getting more nervous by the second, he mentally prepared himself for a beating.
"No that's not it." Ricky finally grumbled and sloppily drank some more from his cup.

Eddie sighed and leaned against the kitchen counter scoping out the scene.
"So you're gay.. Right?" Eddie tore his eyes back to Ricky who was now gawking at him.

Eddie swallowed his drink down. "What?" He coughed surprised by his question.
Ricky laughed and clapped Eddie on the back.
"I mean, you're playing a chick and in a play that's kinda gay." Ricky concluded and Eddie felt embarrassment consume him. He shuffled his feet awkwardly and knit his brows. "So what if I am? It's just a role, it doesn't say anything about me!" Eddie shot back hotly.

Ricky threw his arms up his face shocked. He slapped them down on Eddies shoulders making him stagger under the weight.
"Woah! Cool your jets, I was just waiting for the green light." Rickys hands on his shoulder felt more like weights holding him down.
Eddie stared up at him confusion clouding his rationality. "Green what?" He mumbled then lips came crashing against his own. The kiss was sloppy and unwelcome. Eddie fought against the towering boy but he was backed into a corner he couldn't crawl out of.

So Eddie did the only thing he could think of. He bit down, hard on Rickys lip making the guy fall back and curse.
He took a shallow breath and wiped his mouth off slowly backing away from the larger boy.
Ricky glared at Eddie and spat out blood, his lip coated in crimson.
"Fuck you! Fucking faggot!" He shouted making several heads turn in their direction. Ricky stomped off shoving past Eddie forcefully.

Eddie whirled around embarrassed and a lot farther gone than he intended. God, the room wouldn't stop spinning.
Eddie wouldn't have puked, but then he saw Richie watching him behind some stupid pair of flimsy red and blue 3-D glasses and he lost his lunch all over Bev's aunts kitchen floor.

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