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Eddie woke up with a wretched hangover. He slept through his alarm so he showed up to rehearsal late and with the worst headache he'd ever experienced in his life.
He sat on the edge of the stage sunglasses settled on his face and barely presentable. Eddie only had time to pull on some sweatpants and a warm sweater then he was out of the house.

Eddie squeezed his eyes closed whenever the room would begin spinning and he felt like throwing up again. He hated how he felt, physically and emotionally. Eddie couldn't believe Beverly had lied to him. 'Richie won't be there.'
Eddie shuddered at the memory from last night the only thing he could remember was the embarrassment he felt after the assault. And Richie in his stupid red and blue 3-D glasses.

He fidgeted with his script eyes screwed shut finding it hard to focus on the words. Eddie already had them down by heart anyway so if he had to perform today he would be alright.
Eddie spared the people performing on stage a glance before grumbling to himself. He wanted to leave, his emotional state worsening by the minute. All Eddie could think about was the memories from the night before.

Eddie reached up and rubbed his sore shoulder where Ricky had grabbed him. He forced the tears out of his eyes and stared back down at his script tracing the words with his eyes.

"Fuck you! Fucking faggot!"
The words ricocheted through Eddies thoughts, he took a shallow breath and dug his fingernails into his palm as his teeth clenched. He didn't know why the words suddenly hurt him, he's dealt with prejudice his whole life. Eddie rubbed his sore temple and pushed the penetrating thoughts away to the far part of his mind.
He kept his eyes downcast when suddenly he heard that ringing laughter that made his head spin.
His eyes shot up seeing Beverly approaching, decked out in her all black tech clothes.

Eddies face soured. He wasn't going to let anyone walk over him. Not anymore.
"You betrayed me." Eddie stated the comfortable smile on Bev's face slipping into a hurt look.
Eddie pushed past the emotion building up and continued. "You said he wouldn't be there when he was, and I was fucking assaulted but not like you give a shit right?" Eddie laughed dryly.

Beverly stared back at him shell shocked her mouth bobbing open trying to form a sentence.
"Eddie.. I'm so sorry." He dodged Beverlys hand as it reached out to comfort him. He wiped his nose on his sleeve and stormed off into the crowd.

Eddie pushed down the rows making his way toward the theatre's exit.
He bumped into someone and quietly apologized, then he noticed it was Richie and flushed with embarrassment.
"Where you headed? We still have another hour of practice." Richie said looking down at his watch.

"I'm not staying in this goddamn place if someone was paying me." Eddie scoffed and shoved the heavy double doors open. He bristled as Richie followed him practically glued to his heel.

Richies hand rested on his shoulder the weight taking Eddie back to last night. He sucked in a breath and whirled around shaking his hand off him.
"What? Ed's you okay?" Richie watched him like he was a wounded animal, his eyes worried and scared at the same time.

Eddie shook his head hurriedly. "Don't call me that. Don't ever call me that." He choked out and stumbled backwards tripping over air. Richies hand shot out wrapping firmly around his waist.
Eddie felt another wave of embarrassment hit him, he couldn't even fucking walk right? What the hell was that matter with him? Eddie tore himself out of Richies grip and made a dash to the parking lot.
He punched the 'unlock' button on his fob searching for his car with blurry eyes, tears beginning to form.

"Eddie. Can you talk to me? You're in no position to drive man, let me help you." Richie spoke seriously.
Eddie flinched at the tone and he didn't dare turn around and face him. His tears ran furiously down his flushed cheeks, as Eddie tore open his car door standing outside it mulling over in his mind if he was making the right choice. Eddie kept his head hung low as he slammed the drivers side shut and shuffle defeatedly over to the passengers.

Richie climbed in taking Eddies keys and cranking the car letting some warm air flow in. Eddie hid his face in his hands trembling as he tried to stop crying.
"I-I feel like everything's just going wrong!" Eddie whined finally his head shooting up to see Richie staring forward contently. He lulled his head to the side and remained silent, waiting for Eddie to open up some more.
Eddie sighed heavily and wiped his tears away. "This was supposed to be my year, drama free, bullshit free but I just keep getting fucked over!" Eddie cried his fists clenching out of anger.

Eddie turned in on himself. "And that party." He mumbled out weakly. His eyes felt heavy and sore from the tears, everything hurt. "That was my breaking point." Eddie cast another look at Richie who was now staring back sadly.
Richie reached out hesitantly placing a hand on his shoulder for comfort. "What happened?" He asked and Eddie broke down again more tears beginning to stream from his eyes.

"Ugh. There was this guy! God, I sound so stupid! It was stupid.." Eddie turned away but Richie tightened his grip steadily.
"No! It's not stupid, trust me. What happened Eddie?" Richie asked seriously his eyes searching over Eddies tear tracked face. Eddie sucked in a breath and thought back to the night before. "He got me drunk and he forced himself on me. And when I got away he made a big scene, he c-called me a faggot." Eddie retold the story his voice sounding wrecked and faraway.

Richie turned his head his face emotionless and both hands now resting on the steering wheel. He nodded slowly like he was mulling something over in his mind before glancing back at Eddie. "What's his name?" Richie inquired rubbing the material of the wheel.
Eddie hesitated scared Richie might try and get himself in trouble with them. A sick part of Eddie wanted him to, he wanted Richie to fight for his honor.
Eddie felt sick to his stomach and pushed the primal thought away as he wiped his tears, "Ricky.. He looked like a football player.." Eddie explained then cleared his throat finally calming himself down.

Richie gnawed on his lip then nodded slowly. "Okay." He uttered finally and shifted the cars gear putting it in drive.
Eddie sighed and stared out the window ah the passing trees. He couldn't believe he was here with Richie pouring his problems out on him. Eddie shifted in his seat and leg his eyes flutter closed. He hoped Richie wouldn't use his confession against him, he hoped he had changed over the year.

Imagine confiding in ur ex bf wow eddie ur so stupid

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