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After his blow up at rehearsal Eddie was avoiding Beverly completely. He sent her calls to voicemail and ignored her in public. He couldn't hold ties with someone who was going to treat him like a doormat.
Eddie was looking out for himself, he didn't want to be hurt any longer.

He let his feelings fester too long under the surface, he didn't have anyone to talk to about these problems. Eddie knew if he vented to his mother she would want him out of the play for good. And he didn't feel close with any teachers besides Mr. Manski and he wouldn't give a flying fuck.

The rehearsals were going by slower and slower painfully slow Eddie thought as his vision crossed with Beverlys forlorn gaze. They held eye contact for a moment before Eddie snapped his eyes forward and moved to the other side of the stage. He felt a trickle of pain and embarrassment snake up his spine making him shiver uncomfortably.

Eddie shoved his too cold hands in his hoodie pockets and walked backstage. Although Beverly had treated him horribly he still missed their friendship. Eddie looked around backstage and spotted a sealed off door.

Eddie glanced back over his shoulder seeing Bev force her way through the crowd to try and get to him. She looked up at him through the sea of people and darted her hand out, "Eddie! Cmon Eddie!" Bev shouted.

Eddie turned away and groaned agitatedly slinking further backstage searching frantically for a hiding spot.

While he may miss her terribly Eddie hated confrontation. His eyes squinted, gaze falling back on the door, curiosity slowly getting the better of him.

Eddie hadn't remembered there being a room backstage before. He approached the door and slowly turned the knob slipping inside. There were costumes lining the walls and Eddie gawked at all the colorful fabrics. He ran his hand along the materials as he walked in deeper, the room felt like it went on forever.

Had he found Narnia? That would be the perfect safe haven from backstabbing friends Eddie needed.

Eventually however Eddie got to the end and stopped abruptly in his tracks. There was someone else in here. He felt his heartbeat quicken then slowly decline, it was only another student.
"Hello?" Eddie called out walking around to his side and realizing it was Stanley from the party.

He jumped at Eddies voice and his needle went flying in the air, as did his ball of yarn that went rolling off his lap.
"Catch that!" Stan ordered pointing to the racing yarn ball.

Eddie bent over grasping the ball obediently and handed it back to Stan who began to rewind it all back together again.

Stan looked him over with a smile then gestured kindly to the open sitting space beside him, "Hey.. Eddie right?" He confirms.

Eddie nodded and sat down on the work bench, watching Stan work. "Yeah. Eddie, we met at Bev's party." Eddie forced out cringing at the sentence. He wished the memories from that party would all spontaneously combust.

Stanley rested the wound up yarn on his lap again and began working on the costume once more. Stan glanced up quickly from his work catching Eddies eye then back down to the costume. "What brings you to the dungeon?" Stan chuckled gesturing to the cramped little room that was more like a closet.

Eddie sighed looking around the room with a small smile. "Hiding." He chuckled.

Stanley cast another look up at him then tied off his finishing bead. "Who are you hiding from?" He asked while grabbing the costume shaking it out then holding it out in front of him. Stan turned the dress to Eddies eyes showing off his skilled handiwork.

"I'm not hiding from anyone. That's really good, I didn't even know you were in theatre?" Eddie took the dress carefully after Stanley handed it off to him so he could get working on his next project. He got to his feet and grabbed a hanger off the many racks.

Stan cracked his slender fingers and stretched his back out. "They keep me hidden in the back, I'm like Rumpelstiltskin." He snorted then picked up the next stack of fabrics setting them down in front of him. Stanley hummed then picked the unfinished fabrics up holding them to the light. "This ones yours." He mused casting a quick glance Eddies way.

Eddie finished hanging up the dress with all the other costumes for their play. He admired Stanley's expertise and precision all the designs were unique in their own way. He turned his head to see what costume Stan was talking about.

Stanley held a pair of corduroy pants and a creamy white button down with frilly sleeves. Eddie gasped and came closer, he ran his hand over the pants then the shirt feeling how soft they each were.
"These will compliment your complexion well." Stanley piped up proudly.

"They're really pretty. Where do you find them?" Eddie asked amazed at the high quality of the clothing.

Stanley only smirked and turned away with an air of mystery. "A seamstress never reveals his secrets." He huffed with a sly wink making Eddie laugh.

Eddie sat back down on the empty workbench he had been occupying before. He watched as Stan picked up his needle again beginning to thread little flecks of gold through the fabric. It was a hypnotizing action.

Out of curiosity and pure boredom Eddie looked beneath the bench and saw a stack of magazines. He grabbed a handful and began reading.

He and Stan sat in a comfortable lapsed silence. Eddie reading his tabloids and Stanley sewing happily.
It felt good to be quiet and things weren't awkward. Eddies eyes drifted back over to Stanley when the door abruptly opened.

His eyes shot up to meet Beverlys frazzled face. She went stiff and sucked in a breath before stomping up to Eddie.
"Listen, before you try and run away again!" Bev started her voice sounding full of rage.

The sudden outburst sent Stan's ball of yarn tumbling to the ground once more and his needle going God knows where. He cursed and sent a glare in her direction before collecting his things off the floor.

Beverly stepped around him.
Her face was almost as red as her hair. What a terrifying woman Beverly Marsh was.

Eddie curled in on himself ready for all the degrading words she would throw at him. It came as a shock when he felt arms wrap firmly around his body. Beverly held him close her head resting on top of his, nose nuzzling against his hair. She seemed to sigh peacefully at the contact.
"Richie told me everything.." Beverly whispered finally, sounding wrecked.

Eddie slowly hugged her back allowing himself to forgive his friend. It was hard, he had a lot of feelings he continued to harbor. But with Beverly it just felt natural to forgive and forget.
"I'm so sorry Eddie.. Please let me make it up to you. I miss you." She sniffled.
Eddie pulled her away to see Beverly was nearing tears.

Eddie smiled crookedly then spared Stan a quick glance who was minding his own business and had continued sewing. Eddie looked back to Bev who waited eagerly for his response.
"I don't know Bev the last time you tried making things up to me shit just got worse." He chuckled and Beverly joined in seconds later with her own weak laughter.

Her hands flew to her face wiping away the beginnings of her tears and flashed her million dollar smile. "Okay, how about some apple pie?" Beverly offered with a wink and a nudge.

Eddie nudged her back and nodded. "That's acceptable." Once a doormat always a doormat.

"Can I have some too?" Stanley's quiet voice spoke up and both Eddie and Beverlys vision shot back to him. His face fell and he let out a nervous chuckle. "If you're done with your heart to heart thing of course.."

Eddie and Beverly shared a quick look and burst out into laughter. Bev stepped back holding her hand out for Eddie.
He slot his hand in hers gratefully and she hoisted him up.

Bev lead him to the door and grabbed Stanley. "Cmon Stanny lets get us some pie." She said warmly and Eddie wondered how he ever resisted her light.

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