Opposites Attract (Zayn Malik Love Story)

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I walked in school trying not to be seen by anyone. Not having any friends have a benefit of not being seen. I had my coffee in my hand. 

Suddenly I ran into someone and my coffee spilled all over them.  

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I said. 

"What the hell?!? You ruined my shirt!" I looked up to see Zayn Malik. Oh no. Why him? Anyone but him! 

"I-I'm sorry." I whispered. 

He started to get angry and then I saw Liam Payne the school quarterback coming towards us. 

"Zayn come on. Let's go before you regret something." Liam said. 

Zayn just kept glaring at me an then walked away.  

"I'm sorry about him, he has a temper." Liam said. 

I shook my head. "N-No its okay it's my fault for running into him. Can you tell him that I'm sorry? I asked him. 

Liam smiled. "Sure thing Ali." he said. 

I looked at him shocked. "Y-You know my name?" I asked him. 

He nodded. "Of course! You are in three of my classes. Your like the smartest girl I know!" he smiled. 

I blushed. "T-Thanks." I stuttered. 

"Liam!!" I heard someone shout. 

Liam laughed. "Well I better get going. See you in home room." He said running off. 

I just stood there frozen. Liam Payne talked to me?? Is this a parallel universe?? 

I sighed and went to my locker only to open it and have water balloons fall onto me. 

I gasped and I heard laughter. 

"What's wrong nerd? Don't like water?" Catherine the head cheerleader asked. 

I almost started to freak out. I'm am afraid of water. Why? Because I almost died in a pool when I was ten. 

"Nerd." a jock said hitting my books and made them fall. 

Yes, I get bullied at school. Reason? None at all. People just bully me. 

I knelt down and picked up my books. But then someone else helped me I looked up and I saw Louis Tomlinson. The wide receiver on the football team. 

"Need help there love?" he asked. 

I stared at him. "S-Sure." I tried talking. 

Man, I got to stop stuttering. 

"Are you alright?" he asked. 

I nodded my head. "Thanks." I said as he gave me my books. 

"So Ali, what happened, why are you all wet?" he asked me.  

"Nosy aren't you?" I asked him. 

Where was this outgoing person coming from? 

He laughed. "Just curious, now tell Mr. Tommo what happened." he said putting his arm around me. 

"Uh, well..... Some people took water balloons in my locker." I said looking at my uniform. 

Yes I go to a boarding school. 

"Why did they do it?" He asked. 

I shrugged. "They do something like that everyday." I said. 

"Who does it?" Louis asked me sounding serious. 

He is never serious, he was always the crazy, wild child. 

"I don't know." I lied. I didn't want to be one of those girls that ratted people out. 

Then he took my shoulders. "Ali, no one should be bullied. Especially when they did nothing wrong, now tell me who did it." he demanded. 

I sighed. "It was Catherine and some guys from the football team." I said. 

He then gave me a hug. What. Is. Happening??? 

"I'm so sorry Ali. I wish i would have known. Don't worry I'll make sure that Liam will make them run extra laps in practice." he said 

I laughed. "No, you don't have to say anything." I said walking to class before I was late 

"Well I'll see you later Ali." he said waving at me. I waved back and went I to class. 

I saw only one chair open in the back. I quickly got there silently. 

"Ali, what are you doing?" Niall Horan captain of the baseball team asked me. 

Why does everyone seem to notice me today?? 

"Sitting down what does it look like?" I asked. 

He smiled at me a bit but turned into a frown. "Well you might want to get out before Zayn gets here." He warned me. 

I rolled my eyes not in the mood for anymore bullies. 

I took my sketch pad out of my bag and started doodling. 

Soon there was a shadow above me and it was Zayn looking pissed as ever. 

Crap. What have I gotten myself into??


Hey readers, This is my first story I have written! Can you please comment on how it is. I'm not letting One Direction not famous in this story. Thank you guys!!!

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