The Accident

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Zayn's POV

I was sitting in the kitchen with Liam waiting on Ali to come back. We had reservations to go to dinner and then see a show afterwords.

"Where could she be?" I asked irritated.

"Give her time Zayn, she is still new to the whole mum thing. I'm sure she will need time to adjust." Liam said.

I sighed knowing he was right. Then I got a call from my phone. I looked at the caller ID.

"Ali where are you? Ive been-"

"Hello?" The person asked. My heart stopped. It wasnt Ali. It was a man. "Who is this?" I asked scared for Ali.

"This is officer Sanchez. Are you Zayn Malik?" He asked.

"Yes, what happened to Ali?" I asked. Why was a police officer asking for me on her phone? Where was she?

"Im sorry to say but she got hit by a car. She was running from someone and wasnt looking the witnesses say. I dont know how she is but you could go see her at the St. joseph's Hospital." He explained.

I nodded not moving. "Again im sorry for what happened, is she a friend of yours?" He asked.

I didnt say anything. I was to in shock. My girlfriend, Ali.... She was in the hospital. I knew it was a bad idea to let her go walk alone.

"Zayn?" Liam asked. I didnt answer. I still had the phone by my ear. Then Liam took the phone and started to talk into it. 

"Hello?.... No this is Liam Payne a friend of Zayn's whos this?..... Yes...... Are you sure?..... Alright thank you so much.... I will.... Bye." Liam hung up and walked to me. 

"Zayn? You ok man?" He asked.

I looked up at him like he was crazy. "Why would you ask me that?? Of course Im not okay!! My girlfriend is in the hospital Liam!!" I shouted at him.

"Daddy?" I heard Dani ask.

Daddy? I stood there frozen thinking that her father was here, but I turned around and she was looking at me. "Daddy?" She asked again. "Whats wrong with mommy?" 

I sighed and knelt down to her. "Mommy is ummm.... in the hospital right now." I explained.

I couldnt lie to her. her eyes widened. "Why??" She asked.

I shook my head. "Lets just get everybody and head down there alright?" I told her.

She nodded and ran to get probably Louis. I scratched the back of my head anxious. Everybody came downstairs and I told them to get into the car. They kept asking me what was going on.

"ALI IS IN THE HOSPITAL!! STOP ASKING QUESTIONS AND I'LL EXPLAIN WHEN WE GET THERE!!!" I shouted at them and slammed the car door. The whole ride was quiet other than Dani trying to get everybody to answer her questions... Thank goodness she wasnt outside when I shouted and she was helping Liam pack some clothes.

We got to the hospital and we all ran in and I went up to the front desk where a girl around our age was working at. "Excuse me but do you know what room Ali Dowell is in?" I asked her.

She looked up and smiled at me. She started to rub her hand up and down my arm. "And why would i want to do that? Then you'll leave." She flirted with me. I got angry and I slammed my fist. "Stop being a slut and tell me where my girlfriend is!" I hissed at her. Her eyes widened and started to type in something. "Sh-she's in room 116." She said.

I then ran to the room and I couldnt believe what I saw. I saw her face all bruised up and a bandage wrapped around her head. I saw her arm in a cast. Those tubes going through her nose. I turned and saw that Dani was running in. I was about to grab her to not to but it was too late. She was already in. If I could go back and change what happened I would. I saw Dani's face when she saw her mother/sister laying there not moving, all broken. She started to cry. "Mommy!!" She screamed and ran at her. I quickly picked her up and took her out of the room. She couldnt see her in that state.

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