chapter 20

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Taehyung's POV (A/N buckle up people, this is gonna be a long emotionally ride of a chapter, enjoy;) )


I kept feeling my eyes fluttering closed before bolting open again. I couldn't let myself fall asleep, but I could feel my restraint slowly slipping. I looked down to the sleeping figure in my lap, watching the even breathes he took, mine falling in place with his unconsciously. His arms were brought around himself, making it look as if he was hugging himself. His legs were brought up to himself almost into a fetal position besides the fact that the top half of his body was laying in my lap. I had my legs off the bed we were on, making it so I had to pull his body towards me to avoid him falling off the bed every now and then.

Jungkook looked so peaceful right now, so at ease, like there wasn't a single thought in the world that could bother him, in such contrast to what he's looked like lately. I slowly brought my hand around to brush a piece of his brown hair out of his face that had been covering his closed eyes. He unconsciously scrunched his face when I did that, relaxing again once I brought myself back into my original position.

I took a moment to scan his face, taking in every detail. He truly was a work of art. I couldn't find one thing that made him look ugly in any way. Sure, he had little imperfections here and there, like the tiny moles below his lips or on his cheek, but that just added to his adorableness, in my opinion. His hair fell back into face covering his eyes once again and I again brought my hand up to brush it out of the way but let my hand linger afterwards instead of pulling away this time. I brushed the pad of my thumb over his cheek bone slowly, feeling remaining tear tracks that were still there and wiping them off, then doing the same thing on his other cheek. I pulled back then, afraid he might wake up and find what was happening weird.

I let out a deep sigh and closed my eyes, wishing that this moment would last forever, for my own benefit and Jungkook's too. He just looked so unbothered and calm right now that I didn't want anything to ruin that for him. I knew though that eventually Jimin and the others would come and disrupt this and demand explanations that I couldn't give and I didn't think Jungkook was very eager or willing to give either. I wanted to protect him from anything that could harm him like things had apparently in the past. Why would anyone want to hurt him anyway, he's such a little angel that he would even rather hurt himself than a complete stranger. And if anyone hated him for his personality then how could they not take one look at his face and instantly fall for him and completely forget about everything else about him.

I sighed once again, shaking my head and realizing just how bad I had it. I just to face the fact that I was slowly falling for this broken boy and there was nothing I could do about it. I'd try denying it awhile ago, but as it became more and more obvious, even to the other members, I gave up trying to deny it. It wasn't like it mattered anyway because it wasn't like he was going to reciprocate those feelings that I felt towards him. Closing my eyes and leaning back on my hands, I tried to clear my mind of everything to get ready for the emotional stress that was about to come later.

I started drifting off again only to be snapped awake from the sound of someone or someone's stomping down the hallway. I tensed up, waiting for someone to barge into the room. I brought Jungkook closer to me as well not wanting him to fall off the bed if he woke up from the noise. He brought his legs closer to me when I did that, almost fully being in my lap at this point. Well this was going to be an interesting sight for who ever decides to barge in first. I mean everyone knew we were close but not this close.

Even though I was prepared for the opening of the door, I still slightly jumped in shock when it happened. I looked towards the entrance to see who was gonna be there first. I watched as Jin came first into sight then Yoongi and Jimin. Jimin looked like he had just ran a marathon trying to get to the door first or maybe from trying to come up with a believable story to keep the others away from here. Jin and Yoongi both had looks of either anger or concern, I couldn't quite tell which.

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