Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Just then the bell rang and we all ran to class. I looked at my timetable and I had music first up. As I walked into class I sat at my usual seat at the back by myself as my teacher thinks im an ‘independent learner’ whatever that means. It was about 20 minutes into the lesson when there was a knock at the door. And who else walks in but Harry.

“Class I would like you to meet Harry Styles, he just moved from England. Harry you can take the spare seat next to Emily”

He smiled. Great. Thanks Miss Arnold now I have to sit next to his gorgeous smile every day.

“Now class, next week we will have our welcome back performance .All of you are required to perform as it will only be in class and then I will pick two of you to perform a duet on assembly.  Now Harry have you done much performing before?”

“I used to do a bit at my last school but nothing major.”

“Good because even though you’re new you are required to perform.”

Miss Arnold kept talking and the lesson felt like it was never ending. Even though we sat there in silence Harry and I kept exchanging little looks but then turning away as soon as the other noticed. The bell finally rang and everyone got up to leave. Just as I was about to walk away I felt someone pulling me back.

“Would you help me prepare for the welcome back performance? I could really use someone with experience.”

“Yeah sure. How does Friday night sound?”

“Perfect. I’ll pick you up at 7.”

“See you then.”


And just like that I was smiling for the rest of the day.

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