Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

As I stood in the park I started to doubt that I could go through with this. I was just about to turn around and go home but I saw Harry out of the corner of my eye. Too late, can’t leave now. As he saw me across the park he waved and smiled his irresistible smile.

“Hey Emily! I’m so glad you asked me to meet you”

“Look, Harry—“

“Before you say anything can I quickly say something?”


He leaned in and kissed me. I imagined this is what the perfect kiss would be like. As I pulled away he looked disappointed.

“Did I do something wrong?”

Duh!. You basically took me on a date and then we made out. A few days later you told me you had a girlfriend. So yes you did something wrong. But it’s not like I could say this out loud.

“No Harry. It’s just I can’t bring myself, to be with you. But I can say I really miss my friend. Can we still be friends?”

“I miss you too. Of course we can be friends. Look, I uh, better go. See you tomorrow.”

He gave me an awkward hug and then we went our separate ways.

“Hey Emily?”

“Yes Harry?”

“Maybe, after we get past this we can go on a date? Just to test it out?”

“Maybe. Goodnight Harry.”


As I turned the corner to go out of the park and home I couldn’t help but smile. Even thought I had just completely rejected him he was still hopeful. And even if I can’t be with him still get to have my friend Harry.

The New Kid (One Direction Mini Fanfic) (Completed & Edited)Where stories live. Discover now