Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

As I finished getting ready I realized I still had half an hour to spare so I sat down to the computer and started a video chat with Tara, Jemma and our other friends Tess, Elyse, Eggs (Her real name is Emily, but we all call her Eggs, can’t remember why!) and Brooke. Then Zayn, Louis, Niall and Liam joined it too.

“Ready for you big date? Looks like you were more on the tune then we thought!”

“Really guys? He just wants some help to prepare for the welcome back performance. Back me up here Tara?”

“Actually Em the boys have a point”

“They do not! We are just friends”

“Then why are you wearing the brand new party dress I bought you and you did all your fancy makeup and everything?”

“Because, well I,”

Thankfully the doorbell rang.

“Sorry guys must go Harry’s here Bye”

I signed off as quickly as I could and walk calmly to the door. As I opened the door it wasn’t Harry, it was my brother Jake.

“Hey sis, I forgot my key and why are you so dressed up? Gotta date?”

He winked at me and started tickling me in all my ticklish spots.

“No. A new guy from school needs my help with the welcome back performance.”

“Sure sure.”

Jake walked in and sat on the couch just waiting for Harry to get there so he could embarrass me. Then the doorbell rang again. I opened the door and Harry was standing there with the most beautiful purple flower I had ever seen. How did he know purple was my favorite colour??

“Hi Emily, you look beautiful”

“Hi Harry. Thank you, and this flower is beautiful”

“Your welcome, are you ready to go?”

“Yeah. Let’s go”

Just as we were about to leave Jake decided to quickly embarrass me.

“So, Harry. I see you like my sister?”

“JAKE! Shut up! Harry I’m so sorry let’s go. Bye Jake”


As we left I could hear Jake laughing and I turned and glared at him.  

“I am so sorry Harry”

“It’s ok. I think it’s sweet.”

He smiled and I felt happy again. And even though I have no idea where we were going I felt safe and happy.

The New Kid (One Direction Mini Fanfic) (Completed & Edited)Where stories live. Discover now