Killer Kitty and Butcher Bear

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Very long 2,593 words

My name is Kitty Jones, seventeen years old. In a relationship with Jacob who is super sweet and nice. My best friends are cats and m big bear Carter.

My story is long and hard one but I hope that someone will read it all the way through and understand the reason why I went to the dark side. I first love happened when I was fifthteen. His name was Jacob and we loved each other very much. Jacob was my perfect escape from my hard life at home. My father was a drunk, who drank about ten or twelve bottles of whiskey a day. My mother committed suicide when I was three and since I had no other living relatives I was put under the care of my dad. Life got worse over time. My dad drank more often and we slowly started losing money. I had to work different jobs just to keep myself in school. My friends helped to keep me in too. It was my sophomore year of high school and Jacob had just moved to my home town. We met in class when he asked me for a pencil and when he took it he touched my hand. After that Jacob and I became close friends, we were always together and it was the happiest year of my life. Jacob took care of me and his family loved everything about me. They especially liked my love for cats. I never know why I loved them so much, maybe it had something to do with my name. My love for cat's gave me that name.

It was one year into our relationship and things were going well until Jacob began to notice that I was growing apart from him. I wanted to be left alone with all of my kitties. Someone gave him the idea that I was cheating on him but I wasn't. I was old enough to do some work at a cat shelter and there was a guy I worked with there. His name was Carter but I called him Bear. Because he was a big guy and honestly he reminds me of a lumber-jack. We were good friends and he was always kind to me. He loved cats and animals, like me. Jacob came in one day and saw that we were being very close, lovey-dovey with each other so he really did think that I was cheating on him. Later that night I was heading over to Jacob's house to spend the night but I stopped by my house to check up on my father. He was pasted out in his arm chair. He had four bottles of whiskey around him, I gave him a kiss on the forehead and left. Before I did though I left him a note, telling him where I would be. I walked over to Jacob's house but before I got there I ran into Bear.

"Hey Bear. What are you doing here?" I asked and he just grabbed ahold of me. "Bear what's wrong?" I asked him and he held tighter.

"Don't go to your boyfriend's house. It's dangerous." Bear said whispered in my ear. I pulled back a little so I could look into his eyes.

"What are you talking about Bear? Jacob isn't a threat to me. I'll be fine." I told him and began to walk off. Bear grab ahold of my arm, he had a very tight grip.

"Please Kitty don't go. Please don't go to him." Bear said but I didn't want to listen.

"Bear you're hurting me." I told him and tried to pull away. When Bear realized what he was doing he let go of me.

"I'm sorry Kitty. I won't touch you ever again." Bear said and walked off.

"What was that all about?" I asked myself. I started walking away and I made it to Jacob's house. I knocked and he answered. "Hey Jacob. Sorry I'm late. I ran into Bear and he started talking nonsense." I said and Jacob looked concerned.

"What did he say to you Kitty?" Jacob asked.

"He said not to come here. He said that it was dangerous. I don't know maybe he was upset about something." I said and Jacob smiled.

"It's okay I would never hurt you." Jacob said with a smile on his face. He started coming closer to me. "But tonight I had a different idea then hurting you." He said grabbing my arm. Pushing my against the wall putting his hand around my throat.

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