Queen Of Hearts

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2,646 words

Local news reporter reports: killer still at large.

Police are still looking for clues to the where abouts of the grussome murders of sixteen high school students. Now one person has come forward after being attack by the killer and surviving.

I was walking home from a party and I descided to take a short cut through a ally. That was my big mistake. When I was half way through, I heard the sound of metal being dragged across the metal fencing. "Who's there?" I asked out but no one answered. I began to walk again and there it was again. I turned around again but no one was there. I looked around into the shadows of the buildings and then I saw it. Someone was standing there watching me, they were smiling. It was an evil smile, it sent shivers down my spine. "Who are you?" I asked, they did not answer. They walked towards me and that made me slowly back away.Then when they came into the light, I saw her face. It was a young women with pale white skin and red eyes.. She had a wicked smile on her face. In the light reflexed a knife in her hand. My eyes widened and she came closer. I was back into the wall. As she came closer I saw her red lips curve into a wicked grin. She then said something that made me go pale.

"I want your heart."

She said that and tried to stab my chest with her knife. I was able to dodge it, missing my heart but it did hit my shoulder. I yelled in pain, she didn't stop tring to kill me. I tried to punch her but I missed and she took the knife to the back of my left leg. I cried out again. This time someone heard me and scared her off. Afterwards I was rushed to the hostipal with none-life threating wounds.

The boy is recovering at the hostipal today. In the boy descritiption of the women is being handed to police. If anyone has seen a women with pale skin, red lips, red eyes, please to not engage her. Call the police quickly. Police have given her a name. Her name is the Queen of Hearts.

My name is Raven Kingson and I've been living in New York all my life. Born and raised. I felt safe, I know the whole city. Every corner and street. I'm eighteen years old and I go to a school that was for the rich and powerful meaning that I belonged to a rich family. My family had a lot of money, due to my mom being a doctor and my dad being the govener. I have an older brother, David he was only two years older then me but he always acted like he was twenty five. I paid no attention to the money I had because I never cared for money. My family didn't ether, we lived peacefully in a large appartment near Central Park. It had a beautiful view and was in a safe place of the city. In school I was mostly alone, I didn't want anyone around me. I just wanted to be myself, be alone, in my own quite world. I wore red everyday, it was my absolute favorite color. In this school through you had a place where you belonged. For me that was at the top. My life seemed easy I could have anything I wanted but what I wanted most of all was someone like me. I found that person when he moved to New York.

It was the middle of senior year, when he moved here. His name was Carter Willson and he was my age but to everyone at that school he would be considered an whole outsider. He had short black hair, milkey white skin and he had a lip piercing and a rose tattoo on his left shoulder. At first we never talked then one day I saw him get punched in the face. I tried to stop them but there was a crowd surrending him. Afterwards he just sat there while everyone else walked away. I walked up to him, kneeling down next to him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, pulling his hair back. He looked at me with his light green eyes, their were so beautiful. He pushed my hand away.

"I'm fine. It's not like I haven't taken a punch before." He said rushing to stand. He fall off balence almost falling onto me. I caught him.

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