Doll Marker

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This is a story about two children. Twins, brother and sister. They spent every moment with each other, never letting the other one out of their sight. They loved happily together with their parents and for many years they were all happy. Until the twins were seven years old and their whole world was turned upside down.

The family had just finished visiting family in another state and were on their way home. The brother had noticed that something was bothering their parents but decided not to ask. On the way home the family stopped in a small town so they can get sleep. While getting the rooms, the sister asked her mother something.

"Mommy I saw a doll store over there. Can I go and see what kind of dolls they have?" She asked her mother.

"Okay Emma but take Eric and don't leave his side." She said and Emma grabbed her brother's hand, they ran over to the store. Eric knew his sister loved dolls just as much as she loved him so when she really wanted to go into a store, he would always agree.

When they walked inside the store, a little bell rang throughout. Emma's face lite up at the sight of all the dolls. There were so many different kinds, from places all around the world. You could tell by the clothes they wore, some had British dresses on, others had Japanese clothes on, even Indian clothes it was a wonderland for Emma. Emma was memorized by the sight while Eric watched his sister enjoy herself.
The sound of the bell must have been heard by someone because they heard the sound of beads dragging on the ground. The sound drew closer and a women appeared. She had on a violet beaded dress that went down to her feet, it had red roses around her neck. Her long, black hair flowed like a black river in the wind. Her face was covered by some kind of vail, the children stood there frighten. They started to hear sounds of creepy crows, strange noises and the wind outside was starting to pick up. The dolls seemed to follow her moving figure as their eyes moved with her walking figure. Her tall figure came closer to the children and reached out for the girl. Instead of touching the girl, the women grabbed a doll that was above her on a shelf. She began to touch the dolls hair and fix its dress. The doll was very pretty due to the fact that it had short, golden hair.

"Did you know that a doll can hold the soul of someone that has passed away? Someone who's soul can't move on or leave their loved ones behind." She said and her voice was smooth as silk. She bent over so the girl wouldn't have to look up. "Do you like dolls?" She asked, Emma slowly nodded her head. "Then you can have this one as a gift from me." She said holding the doll in front of Emma. It was wearing the short, pink dress with a white lace around it. Emma slowly reached out for the doll.

"Thank you miss." Emma said and the women let the doll fall into Emma's arms.

"Take good care of her, she will be important to you." She said and turned towards Eric. "You must always watch over your sister young man." She said, turning her back and moving towards another shelf.

"Thank you very much." Eric said, he and his sister left the shop. They looked back at the women watching them through the window. The cross the street and went back to their parents. That night as everyone was sleeping Eric couldn't. He felt like he was being watched and he was. He looked over his sleeping sister and saw that her new doll was staring at him. He got up and walked over to it, he turned its body. He went back to sleep.

The next day the family packed up and continued the drive home. As soon as Emma stepped out of the car she ran to her room. It was filled with dolls of all kinds, she moved two other dolls to give her new doll a place to sit. Emma touched the dolls beautiful hair, she then left the doll and went to her brother. They played some video games until their mother had called them down for dinner. As they were eating and enjoying their time, they were soon hit with pain. Their mother had gotten their attention.

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