Queen of Hearts, meets Sally and Slenderman

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Sitting in the living room petting my German Shepard Sarah, who was laying down on the couch next to me. I was reading a book when a knock came from the front door. I looked at the clock,

"It's 11:30 at night. Who is knocking at this hour?" I thought to myself. I got up and looked through the peep hole. There was no one there, at least no one I could see. "Who is it?" I asked the person through the door.

No one answered and I walked back to the couch. Then a knock came again, this time I pulled open the door and found a little girl standing there. She had red hair, she wore a light pink dress and she carried a teddy bear. I looked down at her and she looked up at me.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" I asked and she started to cry.

"No. I can't find Slendy and it's so dark here. I'm scared." She said, running in the house hugging my legs like her life depended on it.

"It's okay sweetheart, come on in. What's your name?" I asked, closing the door.

"It's Sally." She said rubbing her eyes.

"Okay Sally. How about you go over on the couch and sit down with Sarah." I said, going into the kitchen and getting Sally a cup of water.

Sally sat down on the couch and started petting Sarah. I came back in and they were getting along. Sally is the first person to come into the house. I have never let anyone in Carter's house ever and the only only time I would ever leave the house is only when I would go out and takes people Hearts. Yes I am the one known as the Queen of Hearts. I have a whole collection of hearts in jars. I didn't tell Sally anything about my hobbies, yet I had her in our house. Sally looked around and saw all the paintings but what really caught her eyes was all the many photos I had of Carter. They were all around the house. I gave her the cup and scratched Sarah.

"So where did you lose your friend?" I asked and she looked down.

"In the park." Sally said and I looked confused. The park was close to ten blocks away. She walked all that way.

"Okay what does your friend look like?" I asked and she looked up.

"He looks like that." She said pointing behind me. I turned around and standing behind me was a tall man with no face. Before I could act, I was floating in the air by the throat. Sarah started to bark but Sally made her go quite. His black tentacles held me up high. I tried to move but I was having a hard time breathing. Then I heard Sally speak.

"Don't kill her Slendy. She really wanted to help me. And I think she is like us." Sally said and I heard this, Slendy guy talk.

"What do you mean she's like us?" Slendy asked, he had a very deep and dark sounding voice.

"Well I noticed that this painting had a weird smell. When I got closer, it smelled like blood." Sally said looking at me. Then Slendy put me down.

"That painting I was moving it but at the time I had blood in my hands." I said and Sally looked at me.

"You're a killer aren't you?" Slendy asked and I nodded my head.

"Yes but it's different for me. People would call me a serial killer or psychopath because of the way I kill people." I said and Sally smiled.

"Sweet. What do people call you?" Sally asked petting Sarah.

"Well the news made up the name Queen of Hearts so that kind of became my name." I said. Sally looked even more happy.

"Your really are the Queen of Hearts? Awesome, I'm like your biggest fan!" Sally shouted out. That surprised me so much, why would anyone like the way I kill people?

"Can I see your Jar of Hearts? I mean if what they say in the news is right." She asked and I signed.

"Sure why not. Only if he agrees not to kill me or Sarah." I said and Sally looked at him, he agreed.

We went up to the attic where I keep my Jars. Sally was so excited to see them, it was kind of weird. She looked at everyone, reading the names. She smiled brighty then frowned when she came to a Jar. I walked up behind her.

"He was my favorite. Want to know why?" I asked and Sally nodded her head. "He was the one that ripped out my heart and shoot it with a gun." Sally looked back at the heart and looked down.

"I'm sorry." She said looking up at me.

"So am I." I said looking away.

Then the man behind me started to speak. "We really must get going Sally. It's pasted your bed time and the others are going to start to worry." He said with his deep voice. Sally nodded and we all went down stairs. Sally pet Sarah one more time. She looked back at me and smiled.

"Thank you Queen of Hearts. I hope to see you again." Sally said walking out of our house. Selndy turned towards me and spoke one last time.

"My name is Slenderman and if you ever need any help just call." Slenderman said, handing me a card with a phone number on it.

"Thanks I'm sure I'll call you." I said taking the card. After that Slenderman walked out, closing the door behind him. I looked back at Sarah, who started to rub her nose on my hand.

"I won't be calling them ever." I said to Sarah, walking back to the living room and going back to reading, with Sarah at me feet.

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