Freak Show

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Monster. Different. Creepy. Strange.

This is what they call us. This is what we are. We are different.

But to each other, we are normal. We are Freaks.

Moving around seems to be the only way to stay safe. Safe from those who wish to harm or kill us, just because we look and act different. People treat us like we have some kind of disease or illness. There's nothing wrong with us, we're just different. That is why I created a place where people like me can be free to be whoever they want to be. Where we can be normal. This place people started to call the Freak Show. Honestly it doesn't bother any of us to have the show called this, it's kind of funny. They say freak, we say unique. The show is like a cover name behind it, it's a home. I created it to be a home where it doesn't matter what you look like or how you act, you will always be welcomed. It's turned more into a carnival, we have a circus and a small fair. Over the years people have now started to come to the show for enjoyment and fun. For your own safety don't get lost because we are still a show of monsters and many will love a little human snack before dinner. For many freaks here they have known me for many years and some of the young ones think of me as their mother or big sister. Let me introduce you to some of the people here at our freak show.

When you first walk into the fairgrounds, you are first greeted by Simon LongLegs, our tall man of the show. He likes looking for children and giving them candy but, don't go anywhere with him or you'll never come back. He is always at the main gate so he can greet you when you walk in. Just keep your children close or Simon will take them.

As you walk through the strip you'll find a big building, this is Big Momma's Dinner, she is a big lady that loves food and cooking. She comes from Louisiana and down there cooking food is what they love to do. Just with Big Momma be careful and look into your food before eat because you may find some ingredients that once belonged to someone. Momma just loves cooking her food with the parts of other people. If you eat to much Big Momma may want to put you into the next serving.

If you not hungry than how about a magic show, Arthur is amazing magician with making things disappear and reappear in very different ways. He loves to make someone disappear and come back without their arms and legs. Arthur is also a fan of sawing people in half or in many pieces. So if you here screaming than that's how you know that Arthur did his favor trick.

Very entertaining

If magic doesn't interest you then how about going for a trip in the House of Mirrors just be careful not to look into them for too long or you will start to see things. Like your worst nightmares or someone dead, it's funny to listen to all the screams of people in the mirror house. You will get sucked into the mirrors if your not careful. If that happens you'll go home with a very different look on your face.

It's very different for the Fun House. Don't let the name fool you it's the most terrifying house you'll ever go into and sometimes people go in and don't come out. Many thing live in the Fun House and if you're not careful you too will become part of the house. Just a word of caustion don't get separated from your group or you'll never find your way out.

If none of these catches your attention then the final performance may, it is called the Main Show. This takes place in a very large tent you can see when you walk in. It's like a circus but don't let bright colors and shining lights distract you, there is a reason why it's called the final act. In this show you will meet me. People call me the RingMaster but, to everyone else I'm know as Nightmare. Name suits me very well. In this show you will be scared and horrified by what we show you, it's all part of the show. There is a 50-50% you'll survive my performance.

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