Queen of Hearts, Meets Eyeless Jack and Jeff the Killer

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I was hunting through the city. Learking in the shadows of the buildings and ally ways. While hunting I came across an ally where a body lay dead on the ground. I took a closer look and saw that his man had died only a few hours ago. Also this man had died in a very intresting way. He had a knife wound in his gut and had his kidney ripped out of his body. Seeing this I know the ones who had killed him.

"Eyeless Jack." I said quitely to myself. Then the sound of sirens reached my ears. I moved away from the body just minutes before the cops arrived. I walked through the city and came across another body, this one was about twenty minutes old and his died in the same way as the last one. Then I heard giggling, I walked further down the ally and found the killers themselves. Jack was gnawing on the kidney of his last victim. Jeff was seeing how pretty the fresh blood looked on his knife.

"You two are really messy when it comes to killing. Well I am too but at least I make a clean cut." I said and they looked at me, I smiled.

"Great a witness. This is just great. I didn't want to kill a girl but if I have too then fine." Jeff was going to kill me but Jack stopped him. 

"Wait Jeff, I think I know who you are." Jack said and walked closer to me but not to close. "You're the newly famous Queen of Hearts aren't you?" Jack asked and I smiled.

"Yes I am. Careful now I'll steal that killer heart of yours." I said and moved closer to him. This caused him to back away.

"Oh....Queen of Hearts huh, intresting. I always thought you were taller. Ha!" Jeff said laughing.

"And I thought you were scarier." I said trying not to laugh. Jack was trying not to laugh as well. Jeff got serious, coming closer to me and pulling out one of his knives. Before he could I pulled out one of my own and pointed it at his heart. "I would love to have your heart in one of my jars. Jeff the Killer." I said slowly pushing the knife into his chest. Jack stopped me.

"Please stop, he could never keep his mouth shut when he needs to." Jack said, pulling the knife away. I looked at him then we heard the sirens coming our way.

"Fine I won't kill you for now but how about I be a good little girl and invite the two of you to my place before the cops show up." I said and even though Jeff didn't want to go Jack forced him too.

We walked towards my place and avoided night walkers. When we reached the house and I unlocked the door, I was greeted by my German Shepard Sarah. She came running down the stairs, sliding on the floor. I petted her and she growled at Jack and Jeff a little until I stopped her. They both walked into the living room, they seemed to be intrested in the paintings.

"Who made these Queen?" Jack asked looking at me. I looked at him and signed. Moving closer to the paintings.

"His name was Carter and this was his house." I said looking around.

"What happened to him? You take his heart?" Jeff said with a smirk.

"No. He...died. Killed by a bullet through the chest. Carter died in front of me, in my arms." I said with tears in my eyes. Jeff's mouth opened then closed, he looked down.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." Jeff said.

"It was about two years ago when he died. I did take the hearts of the ones who hurt him. Their hearts are in some of my jars." I said and moved one of paintings and took out a jar that was in a safe behind it. "This is the heart of the one who shot him." I said showing them the jars. Jack smiled a little.

"You're kind of like me. Instead I take kidneys and you take hearts." Jack said smiling.

"Yeah I guess your right." I said taking the jar and putting it back, behind the painting. "If you two need a place to stay, it be best here. I have some spare bed rooms." I said taking towards the stairs.

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