Under Attack

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The sound of the screams reached you long before the sunlight. The temple garden was crowded with running citizens, unsteady soldiers and corpses trampled by the most frightened. Before you could see the one who caused such panic, you saw Kou’s soldiers fly above the scene. You turned to whatever threw them. An gigantic black entity was waving his arms, sending anything in his path up in the air. One of his hand were dangerously close to a group of children. You started to run to them, reading your bow, but you were too far to help. You watched in horror the hand crushing them to the ground. A silent scream escaped your lips as tears rushed to your eyes.

“Djinn of Hope and Sorrow, dwell in my body. Come forth, Balam!”

Your armor disappeared, replaced by a thinner one of an iridescent white. It covered your chest, leaving your arms and most of your legs out. White long boots completed the bottom of your Djinn equip. A slightly glowing tiara kept your hair away of your face except for small (h/c) locks falling near your ears down your shoulders.

Quickly, you readied your now ivory bow and shoot the entity’s forearm. It growled in pain, taking back its hand. Instead of the corpses you were sure to find, the children were curled up on the ground, unarmed, protected by a Djinn equipped Sinbad. You sighed with relief and turned back to the foe. Defeating it will not be easy, you thought, even with Balam. Once you were sure the children would be safe, you carefully approached, evaluating any strategy to defeat it.

“We will need a diversion,” you said to Mephelios and Helga who were still following you.

“On it.” The fanalis ran to the creature without even hearing your plan.

“Helga, I want you to attack its legs. I’ll pin it to the ground with some arrows.”

She nodded before disappearing. You had no idea if your bow would be enough to hold the thing, but you had to try. You flew up to get a better view.

Mephelios was already distracting it, hitting its chest every time he could. Helga was waiting for your signal to begin her attacks.Sinbad was flying to your position and stood beside you.

“It's a Black Djinn,” explained the king. “It’s what happens to people who fall into depravity.”

“Do you think… Yura…”

Worry devoured your mind. From the beginning, you were sure you had to keep the creature alive without knowing why. If Yura had really lost herself at the point to summon this demon, you had to help her. Even if you were the cause. You closed your eyes for a few seconds, hoping Sinbad’s answer to be negative.

“Probably, but I never saw a household member summon a Black Djinn. Be careful, (y/n).”

You heart sank at the idea of your friend, trapped inside this monstrous beast. You took a deep breath and tossed your uncertainty aside. You had to stick to the plan. You signaled Helga to strike. As soon as her blade cut the Djinn calf, you aimed at its hands.

“Salm eadalah!”

Two gigantic arrows left your bow and hit directly the palms. The entity lost balance and fell to the ground, howling to the clear sky. You shoot two others arrows to its feet. You started to fly down, but the king caught your wrist, his lips bitten and eyebrows frowned.

“And what are you planning to do?”

“I cannot just kill Yura. There should be something I can do!”

“You’re not even sure if it's her.”

“It doesn't matter! Are you asking me to end someone’s life just because they've lost faith in their fate?”

“I had a feeling you would say that.” The king pinched his nose before pointing you a small form in the sky. You had to squint to see a group on a flying turban. You couldn’t see them at this distance, but you only knew one person with such transport.

“What does Alibaba and company has to do with this?” you asked.

“They’ve already dealt with a Black Djinn before. And Aladdin is a Magi.”

It wasn’t too long before they arrived near you.

“Glad to see you, (y/n)!” said Alibaba, rushing towards you. “I was afraid something bad had happen.”

“No time for this,” you said, pointing the ground. “I don't know how much longer my arrows are going to hold it down.”

You flew back to the ground, closely followed by Sinbad and the others. The Black Djinn growled at your approach. Carefully, you placed a hand above it's arm and kneel next to it. You had trouble believing it was Yura underneath the thick black skin.

“How can I save her?” you whispered, tears blurring your vision.

“I can use Solomon’s wisdom,” said Aladdin, “but there is no guarantee.”

“We have to try.” You rose to your feet. “She is like a sister to me, I have to do something!”

Alibaba expression saddened and he looked away when your eyes met. Morgiana placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. Even the blue Magi seemed down.

“Lady (y/n)... I can't promise we will save her. But I promise I’ll do my best.”

You nodded, words stucked in your throat. You thanked Elepheltes for the slightest chance he offered.

“I’m coming too,” said Sinbad while approaching you. “I’m not letting you go anymore.”

Aladdin smiled to the both of you and prepared his staff.

“Solomon’s wisdom!”

Just before darkness engulfed you, you took Sinbad's hand.

Magi Fanfic: Fallen Destinies [Sinbad X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now