Im Ready

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Hi there bunnies!! I call everyone a bunny....its a habit. But anyway this is going to be a series of one shots!!

And this first one is going to be a song one shot so yay!!
















Hinata POV

Today is the day. Come on Hinata you can do this! You promised them you would do this if they did also.

Today Lady Tsunade decided to throw a party for all of the achievements we have made in the past.

Of course everyone agreed and we all helped setting it up. Lady Tsunade said we would need something fun to do at the party.

Kiba suggested we play pin the kunai on the sensei.

All of our sensai banned us from ever even attempting to play that. So that was out of the question.

Ino suggested that we have a dance contest with boys against girls. Even though it was more sense able than Kiba's idea, Tsunade turned that down. Because Gai sensai would get way too competitive.

Sai suggested that we go cliff jumping. We all said no to that.

Ten-ten suggested we go jump in a pool and play Marco Polo but with her weapons. Gaara threatened her with his sand saying if you touch him with even one of those weapons he will personally see to it that she will be under that water in a sand coffin....drowning.

But finally seeing as Shikamaru is one of the only actual smart one with sense, he suggested that we do karaoke. Everyone agreed and we decided to go with it.

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