Gundham X Reader

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Requested by GraciexLuigi

"Y/n," your friend Souda shouted as he ran toward you.
"Hey Souda, whats up," you asked your best friend.
"Sooooo I was wondering..."
"I'm not going to stalk Sonia for you again if that's what you're asking."
"Nope, well not this time anyway," he mumbled the last part, "I was wondering if you would want to go to the new rollerblading rank."
"Is Sonia gonna be their," you joked as he nodded...
"Fine but you have to buy me (f/f) and (f/d)," you demanded.
"Fine," he agreed.

Later in the day, you both eventually arrived at the rollerblading rank. There was one problem though. You didn't know how to rollerblade.
You meet up with him their, in his hands two pairs of rollerblades. "Are you ready," he asked as you slid them on your feet. "Yeah it's just I don't know how to rollerblade," you said awkwardly. "Well I'll just have to teach you then," he said as he took your hands and guided you to the rank.

"So your just glide, kind of like ice skating," he said as he demonstrated how to do it as he held your hand. You started to get used to rollerblading.

"Oh it's Miss Sonia," he bladed faster to the group in front of us. You tried to go his speed until you fell, and what's worse is that you grabbed the person in front of you foot and made them fall.

"I'm so sorry," you said to the guy in front of you. "It's alright mortal, are you alright," he asked, standing back up. "Yeah, I'm new at this so," you said trying to stand up until he took your hand and helped you up.
"I am Gundham Tanaka."
"I'm (Y/n) (L/n), I'm sorry once again, my friend Souda was teaching me and then he ran off.""You know that fiend as well," he questioned. "Yep! But I can't find him now, which is strange cause his hairs pink," you said causing him to chuckle. "I shall help you mortal," he said as he took me hand and guided me to Souda. As he did we both talked about ourselves and you found out he had four hamsters.., well Four Dark Devas Of Destruction but you found it cute.

"Souda you ran off without me," you said, still struggling. "I'm sorry (Y/n), but I had to talk to Miss Sonia," he said and glared at Gundham. "Well I'm off mortal, I shall see you again," he said handing me a piece of paper with a bunch of numbers on it and handed you over to Souda. "It was nice to meet you," you waved as he skated away.

"Soooo do you still regret coming with me now since you meet your crush," Souda said as you both walked out of the roller rank place. You blushed at his comment and smile. "I actually did. You still gotta buy me (f/f) and (f/d) though." "AW MAN!"

Up next:

Hiro x Reader 🍋 (requested)

Yandere Kirigiri X Reader (requested)

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