The Maximoffs - New

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You were new to S.H.I.E.L.D and also new to the Avengers, the Avengers weren't too sure on you as Natasha and Tony were convinced you were a spy for HYDRA.

You left your home at age 16 to come and join the Avengers and fight with them only for half of them not to trust you.

In this time you had made two friends who just happened to be brother and sister.

Wanda and Pietro your two new and nicest friends, you bonded over powers and more so how you got them.

You were all human until you volunteered for HYDRA to experiment on you, at the time you were young and naive and just wanted to be like the hero's you saw on TV.

HYDRA experimented on you all giving Pietro speed, Wanda telekinesis and you being able to control all of the elements, water, fire, earth and air.

You loved your power and in someways happy that you volunteered to be an experiment for HYDRA but then that's led to members of your own team not to trust you.

The Avengers love Pietro and Wanda but not me, to be more specific, they hate you with a burning passion. The only reason you are on the team is because of Wanda and Pietro nagging Fury all the time.

"I don't trust you." The Avengers would say as they crossed you in the halls of STARK towers. Even if they didn't speak vocally you could see the judgement on their faces.

But they were right, they couldn't trust you, and you were a spy for HYDRA. But you were a good spy for HYDRA, you had already stolen all of S.H.I.E.L.D's top secret documents and found out all of the Avengers greatest weaknesses.

You were raised with HYDRA, you are a HYDRA's best spy and favourite agent in the whole place. Your great grandfather after all was the founder of HYDRA and you will follow in his footsteps.

Well you were meant to follow in his footsteps until the Avengers finally worked out who you were.

Pietro and Wanda were heartbroken to find out their best friend was actually a HYDRA agent and Bucky was sad because he thought he could relate to you.

Natasha was the one to do it, to kill you. She stabbed you in the heart and you died not long after.

HYDRA were upset and out for blood when they realised that they tried to kill you, but what the Avengers didn't know was that you couldn't die like that, you could only die from natural causes, there for HYDRA had won again.

A/n: I hate this sorry.

Word Count: 449

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