Pep Rally

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The next day I dread the end of fourth period. Normally I stare at the clock wondering if time is actually moving backward, but today's class seems to fly by. 

The bell rings and I let every student leave the classroom before I eventually move from my desk. Since it's the day before the homecoming game, we always have a half-day starting with a big school assembly. After, we spend the afternoon enjoying a barbecue and watching the powder puff game. We used to do it the day of the homecoming game, but so many students ditch that day so hardly anyone stayed for the assembly, barbecue, or the game.

The hallway is packed with students as they slowly make their way to the gym for the assembly. I push my way into the gymnasium and see most of the cheerleaders huddled under the basketball hoop, spraying glitter into each other's ponytails. The lights in the gym are dim and there are large navy and yellow floodlights illuminating the bleachers. Loud dance music is blaring through the speakers and the senate members escort students to their assigned seats by class. Harper is leaning against the wall with her arms crossed while Lily stretches in an empty corner. Harper hasn't turned anyone against me and it irks her that everyone is applauding me for getting with the hottest senior. Liam and I have refrained from PDA though to spare her feelings.

Becca excitedly runs up to me and sprays me down with glitter. All the girls are giddy, while they ignore Harper's foul mood, and they warm up their tumbling. We've been practicing our homecoming routine for weeks so it's exciting to finally show it!

The gym quickly fills up with students who are now divided by class. I see Liam in his bright yellow HPH shirt stroll in with some guys from our English class and he's laughing at something one of them said. I manage to catch his attention as I wave to him from the center of the gym and when he spots me, he waves to me and then gives me a thumbs up. I watch as he starts up the bleacher steps and as I turn away from him, I catch Harper glaring at me, obviously witnessing our interaction. I blow an anxious breath out through my teeth and walk back to the girls that don't want to rip my hair out.

Once everyone is seated, we start throwing candy and glow sticks into the crowd to get everyone hyped and they throw their hands in the air to catch it. Music booms from the speakers and all the football players have huddled in the corner away from any of the lights. Suspense and drama are always played up at these things.

Mr. Anderson finally takes the microphone and makes a few announcements about the barbecue, the powder puff game, and then the football game tomorrow night. When he introduces the football team, everyone goes wild as the players run across the gym and throw candy at the cheering students. Derek obnoxiously flexes his muscles while he holds a football in his hands, enjoying his star quarterback status. He then runs up and down the stairs on the bleachers to toss some chocolate roses to some charmed lower-classmen. I roll my eyes at his conceded display and turn around to talk to the other cheerleaders.

Once Derek and the other players are finished pumping up the crowd, us cheerleaders run into the center of the gym and get into formation for our quick routine. The gym falls quiet as our music starts. I stand at the front of the v-shape we form and I catch Liam's eye in the crowd. We do our dance and all break apart to tumble. I finish my backflip and see Caitlin land right on her stomach, not managing to get all the way over. It's hard to miss the crowd's collective gasp and Lily runs over to help her up. Our music is still going, so we continue our routine but I see Becca run out of the gym after a crying Caitlin. Our performance just adding to the drama of the assembly.

Once the music finishes, a few other girls sprint out after her to make sure she is okay, but much like Harper's face plant, I feel the injury is more to her ego than to her body. Can one thing for homecoming go right this year?

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