He's escaped!?

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Ginny stared at the mail in shock.

Ginny,this mail is just a warning mail.

Dean has escaped prison.He has left a message on the wall with his blood.

The message says I Will Get You,My Love.

We kind of figured out that he meant you so please be careful.

This must be breaking news on the TV by now.

Be Careful,
Maria Fletchley

Ginny bit her lip against her tears abd mentally asked the question she had asked herself so many times

'Why?When things were finally looking up they had to go down?Why now?Why me?'

Ginny sighed and rubbed her temple.She decided to tell Jake,he was the only one who knew everything about him.

She called him and he picked it up,immediately.

"I know.I recieved an e-mail too. God,why has he escaped now?"he said

"I don't know,Jake.You be careful and...keep Kate and Mark safe,'kay?" she nervously asked and he said

"Of course,Gin.I haven't let them leave my sight ever since I found out. Anyway,got to go.Customers have arrived.Bye"

"Bye"she said and hung up.

She leaned back and sighed

"God"she groaned out as the pain in her head grew.

She took her pills and drank watee

"Planning to suicide on your first day,Weasley?"

She jumped and looked up to see Harry standing there.

She looked at the pills and threw them inside her bag.She stood up and looked down,chuckling nervously.

She tucked her hair behind and said

"No.I-I had a headache so...I took some pills"

He looked at her concerned and she brushed it off.

She smiled at him and asked

"Was there something you needed me to do?"

"Oh yes,could you please send me the Collins' contract?"

She smiled at him and said

"Already have,sir.It sits on your table below the blue file which has all the information on your next meeting which starts at 11:05"

She looked up at him and saw him looking at her,appreciatively.

"Brilliant,Ginny.You are already proving to be better than my previous secretary.Actually,anyone would be better than her.She had two things to do- flirt with every rich person who walked into this building and show everyone her cleavage,which was not so appealing anyway"he shuddered and she laughed

"Boys are so stupid.You judge a girl with her size and shape,really?"

He raised an eyebrow and said

"Well,boys are boys.How do you judge a man?"

Ginny leaned back on her chair,thoughtfully,while putting the back of her pen in her mouth and said

"I don't know.I guess you just know how a person is by spending say,10 minutes with them.I think judging a person has only two consequences."

"Which are?"

He said,raising an eyebrow.

"You do that a lot"

He gave her a questioning look and she said

"Raising your eyebrow.Anyway,the two levels are
1)The person seems to be very nice but is actually very bad.Vice versa.Mostly,people just go into depression when they judge a person wrong.
2)You predict the person right"

He asked

"Why do you think people go into depression?"

"Not that kind of depression. Depression means that they loose alk confidence.Or become a completely different person"

He continued looking at her,questioningly

"Well,say you find a really sexy and hot girl,okay?She is very nice in front of you but actually wants you only for your money.Not for love.But you,you love her.Just imagine"She said when Harry scoffed "When you know the reality you would question yourself on whether or not you are capable enough to recongnize a person.At that moment you think you are absolutely useless in judging someone. You forget that you are a successful businessman so you need have a good way of judging people.So that proves you aren't actually useless in judging someone.My point is that you should never disregard yourself just because you made a mistake with one person"

Harry swallowed deeply.She had just described her unknowingly and had explained his entire situation too.

"Miss.Weasley,do you want to go for a coffee with me?"

She almost choked and looked at him, open-mouthed.

"Just to talk. It won't be date,if you don't want it to be. But if you want,you have no complaints from me."

She blushed and said

"Of course, sir.It's not a date though"

He nodded and left.

Ginny sat down sighing a sigh of relief.

A thought suddenly occurred to her

He had gotten her mind off of Dean by just being there.

'He really is something'

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